Classic+ done safely

A bigger issue there is that Warriors can equip basically everything in the game that increases melee damage and they scale to the stars and beyond with gear and raw stats. The class sets are designed for tanking. The DPS plate pieces aren’t too common and last forever.

TBC partly addressed that with tier sets for the different roles a class has.

I do agree that the “pure” DPS classes should be top damage. I don’t think Blizzard intended Warriors wearing Rogue gear and stacking buffs to the cap but that was in Vanilla and we are playing that patch forever. If you get Classic+ that balancing would be good to look at

What about world buffs? Should they be excluded from raids? World buffs made raids an absolute faceroll and carried people through Naxx who wouldn’t the complete the place without them.

Bobby is not willing to pay, its most unfortunate.

I would love classic+ but I think all of the classic Andy’s gatekeep so hard it will never happen.

What I think needs to be added:
-Dual spec but make it expensive (1000g)
-Tbc talents or something similar to make the classes feel better to play, some are so bland it hurts my brain.
-Summon stones at dungeons
-horde and alliance get shamans and paladins
-no world buffs
-no debuff limit
-interface updates
-graphics updates or the option to choice for modern graphics
-some slights changes to itemisation
-something like the M+ group board but you can’t just apply, you have to whisper the person to get invited
-a few more quests especially for the 40-50 range
-pvp ranking update, the way it works is abit eh especially as you get higher rank

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AND barbershop, limited transmog, guild bank. would be nice if it was tbc prepatch with draenei, blood elves, azuremyst, exodar, bloodmyst, silvermoon, eversong, ghostlands (make zul’aman a level 60 raid) and jewelry making, minus the tbc gems/ores/recipes. karazhan crypts as a dungeon. emerald dream as a leveling zone.

As for the LFG tool, they can implement a bulletin board in capitol cities.
If you’re LFG, you go sign up on the board, you list the dungeons you want and your role OR you can see who is looking for more in one of the dungeons that you would be willing to run if your primary choices aren’t listed.
If you’re LFM, you go and check the board for the roles you need filled.
You still have to interact with others and you don’t need to spam a global chat channel nearly as much to get a group.

Potions stacking should be 20 across the board.

ALL tradeskill windows should have a search feature and a checkbox to show only the items you can make with the materials you have at that moment.

Max macro size should be increased to 1024 characters.

shimmering flats would be a cool place for a dungeon. maybe a silithid bug dungeon, sort of a homage to the aq raids.

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In the realm of pipedreams, this is the crack pipe.


I think updated graphics (skill effects + models) would be amazing in classic. I also think they should port over some of the more widely used features in retail like dungeon group finder. I play at pretty odd hours, so a cross server/faction dungeon queue would help me find dungeon groups easier.
Transmog is another one I really want, the leveling gear just doesn’t look super great, so would love to be able to transmog over it (bonus points if my unlocked transmog from retail carried over).
They’re also currently doing a thing in retail where they’re unlocking all the classes for all the races and I think that would be really cool to bring over to classic too!

No, people can simply forgo using them.

So, you’ve got to sit around in a city to get into a dungeon?
You are trading using an interface (pop up) anywhere in the world for using an interface that requires you stay in a city.
No thanks.

Where, in anything that I said, did I suggest having to stay in a capitol city?
All I said was that the bulletin boards be in capitol cities, not that you had to take up residence there.
Is reading really a lost art?
You could have gone the 18+ route and said, “Something is unclear to me, are you suggesting that people have to stay in the capitols to get a group, or can they move about and quest while waiting?”.
Instead you make an assumption based on text that isn’t in my post.

Short answer, No, you can go play while you wait.

How else will you keep checking the board? You say it’s in a city.

You’d have to stay there to update yourself on this board and to refresh it if you’re looking to join a posted group.
A pop up menu accessible anywhere would be better.
Or is that too much like the RDF for everyone?

I didn’t need to format it to your standards, you got the point.

Just grab the WA that changes the quality color of wolfshead to legendary orange


I really hope this was sarcasm.

Why? I think these would all be super great additions to classic and would solve a lot of its problems

yes, warriors are not hybrids and i’m tired of hearing they are :expressionless:


I would be okay with some class tuning, as long as it’s not too heavy-handed. Defensives for Paladin tanks and Druid tanks so that they can compete with a Warrior Shield Wall for example.

That would probably be fine. If the goal is to put Warriors, Paladins, and Druids on the same level a lot would need to be done. Bears are in a better place than Paladins in Classic, but their main drawbacks are things like not being able to use consumables in Bear form and some of their BiS gear requires ranking and BG exalted rep. The MCP farming a Bear has to do is a pain, but no worse than the consume farming a Warrior tank needs. A Taunt would help Paladins but the name of the game in Classic tanking is TPS, and they just can’t compete on single target threat with a Warrior or Druid without a significant change. Another issue is that as-is that would give Alliance access to three raid tanks and Horde would only have two and have bigger threat problems due to lack of Salvation and Windfury Totem. Not an easy fix for sure.

Ah yes, I forgot to add that Classic+ should mark the return of the mythical Shaman Tank.

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The only way to do classic + safely is to give it to a different company. I wouldn’t trust current Blizz to do anything other than take a dump in a box and call it classic +.