Classic+ done safely

Play on a different realm then. The natural impetus for population disperal is the competition for resources. If you can’t outcompete the locals, change your strategy or environment. Trying to prop up a megaserver is a mistake.

In my other thread, I’ve demonstrated how it leads to an uprising of exploitative behaviors that diminishes the chances for legitimate gameplay everywhere.

I agree the face diversity with the new models is bad compared to the old ones. Maybe it’s just less passion put into the work at that time. I do like the humans though, altho I wish there were more good faces. I was familiar with the new faces in beta, and they changed them at the end to put derpy looking smiles on some of the faces. Just really odd decisions.

Playing on a different realm means crippling your chances of playing with lots of different people. Doesn’t sound fun to me. It seems like technology just needs to be used to accommodate the increase in popularity of the game. Splitting people up is bad.

You want the benefits that come with a megaserver but none of the drawbacks.

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Why have drawbacks? Why not make the game better so that having a popular game doesn’t make it worse?

like this, they took the perky heart shaped face with eyelids
and turned it into bug eyed, long face, clone 22

and this one, where she has cute face shape and a cute mouth and turned it into bug eyed, long face, clone 22 without lipstick

she nearly has an unibrow in the new version lol

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Why not indeed.

Consider what it is that you are calling a ‘drawback’ and your inflexibility for using current tools that the developers have already provided.

In a similar way, but on the flip side of this realm population equation, the players in (for one reason or another) smaller communities have to deal with not having enough people online to access all of the game’s content. That is their drawback. Years ago, Blizzard reassured us that they would be faithful stewards to these Era communities before the tbc launch:

Yet they have gone on to develop a season and numerous expansions without further intervention. They’ve neglected their duty.

These players now also have to deal with users that contribute nothing to the small realm’s community and continually exploit the free transfers service to fuel activities on the larger realms.

Your request to fix this minor annoyance here would effectively nullify another natural and legitimate reason for players to migrate. This would further alienate players with far greater and longer-standing in-game complaints who’ve been patiently waiting for Blizzard to stop ignoring their petitions.

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It would be important to establish what classic+ IS and what is ISN’T.

  • Keep the level 60 cap forever.
  • Everything should remain centered on the two major continents. There could be new zones corresponding to parts of the map that were never opened or even new islands off the coast, but no new continents with major cities that replace the current continents.
  • No flying mounts.
  • Incremental gear improvements from new zones, not exponential improvements.
  • Continued emphasis on professions, consumables, and word buffs.
  • Attunements for many high-end instances
  • New recipes and spell ranks

Changes that I think could fit into Classic+

  • More mailboxes, flightpaths, graveyards, and ship/zeppelin routes
  • Remove buff/debuff limits
  • Changes to specs to make them more viable
  • Changes to itemization to make specs more viable and to make certain unwanted items more desirable
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Must haves: Hacking/Botting/Cheating/Item mafia controls, maintain the same style of gameplay “you are an adventurer apart of the world, not the center of it.”

Great to haves: slight buffs to underperforming classes, new legendary items (would love to see a legendary item for ferals) , tier piece tokens that are built in for each class/spec, new instances and instance mechanisims “dungeons having a weekly 10man raid version with gear similar to what you’d see from Dire Maul>ZG”, more rewarding world pvp “Azshara functioning similiarily to how Wintergrasp bg’s are.”
More class specific quest. New zones “Hyjal etc.”

Nice to haves: Character customization, updated world/character graphics (with functional toggle). All races all classes.


The primary thing I would want out of classic+ is a retooling of the classes so that every single spec in the game is viable/good at something. I’m talking about hunters, shadow priests, ele shamans competing with warriors and rogues for dps, bear tanks and prot pallys in naxx, etc


It may seem odd to you, but I enjoy the new female gnome looks. I agree with your perspective on the Blood Elves. Like em or hate em, I don’t think they belong in Era. Classic + or seasons do whatever.


You standards are skewed if comparing to current-phase warriors. They are grossly over-tuned by nature of their exemption from hybrid tax. The more reasonable ceiling for comparison would be mages/rogues.

In classic era the current phase is the only thing that matters, because there’s nothing after it. Hybrid tax should be done away with. If anything, even warriors are more ‘hybrid’ than rogues and mages because they can both tank and dps

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Yes, exactly. They are erroneously exempted from hybrid tax. It’s a design flaw. Warriors in their current iteration are inordinately over-tuned. My point was that requesting other classes be brought up to the completely broken status of Classic warriors isn’t a good idea. If you want a better reference for what the top of the totem pole (in terms of dps) looks like, use mages/rogues.

The phase after 6 will be Phase 7. We’re just waiting for it.

I have been summoned.

A Warrior in this version of the game (Classic/Vanilla) is a tank when in Defensive Stance. The talent specialization does not give the Warrior the ability to tank. Every Warrior no matter how they spec has the full tanking toolkit. Dedicated tank specs in this era of the game only go into Protection to pick up Last Stand, Improved Shield Block and improved threat generation with Defiance. Only one of those is a new ability that doesn’t come with the base class.

It isn’t a “hybrid” in the usual sense at all.

Now to be fair I don’t think Warriors need to be the best DPS too. If I had to pick one role for Warriors to be the best in, that should be tanking.

I’m skeptical Classic+ will ever happen in any case. If it does more power to you, as long as people can continue on with the original game folks can have their night elf mohawks and whatever else they want. These changes shouldn’t come to Era or SoM though.

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While that’s all very interesting, it’s somewhat irrelevant. We’re not talking purely about talents here, but rather defining a ‘hybrid’ as a class that can viably fill 2 or more of the tank/healer/dps roles in a raid, regardless of how it is accomplished. By that definition, a tank is more of a hybrid than a rogue, mage, or Hunter.

A bigger issue there is that Warriors can equip basically everything in the game that increases melee damage and they scale to the stars and beyond with gear and raw stats. The class sets are designed for tanking. The DPS plate pieces aren’t too common and last forever.

TBC partly addressed that with tier sets for the different roles a class has.

I do agree that the “pure” DPS classes should be top damage. I don’t think Blizzard intended Warriors wearing Rogue gear and stacking buffs to the cap but that was in Vanilla and we are playing that patch forever. If you get Classic+ that balancing would be good to look at

What about world buffs? Should they be excluded from raids? World buffs made raids an absolute faceroll and carried people through Naxx who wouldn’t the complete the place without them.

Bobby is not willing to pay, its most unfortunate.

I would love classic+ but I think all of the classic Andy’s gatekeep so hard it will never happen.

What I think needs to be added:
-Dual spec but make it expensive (1000g)
-Tbc talents or something similar to make the classes feel better to play, some are so bland it hurts my brain.
-Summon stones at dungeons
-horde and alliance get shamans and paladins
-no world buffs
-no debuff limit
-interface updates
-graphics updates or the option to choice for modern graphics
-some slights changes to itemisation
-something like the M+ group board but you can’t just apply, you have to whisper the person to get invited
-a few more quests especially for the 40-50 range
-pvp ranking update, the way it works is abit eh especially as you get higher rank

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