Classic Beta is up on the Blizzard CDN

Classic Beta took all the way until 2019… thanks Obama…

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Closed my browser, re-opened it and it’s fine. That was bizarre.

Well if nothing else, if you guy’s haven’t

Might want to check on that.


Should be atleast a week or two before invites go out.

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Think the chances of an invite would be higher if you an account linked to your bnet that was active during Vanilla?

I think they noticed us over at The guy posted a message:

Hey WoW classic fans, thanks for visiting. Just want to remind you that this isn’t an official site! I manually added the WoW Classic Beta to the above list after Blizzard published a new product called “wow_classic_beta”. Considering it is on the not encrypted part of the CDN (tpr/wow) it is likely this build will be intended for people outside of Blizzard. Keep in mind there’s basically nothing confirmed yet outside of this rather empty reference so things can still change. There are currently no WoW Classic builds available at the time of writing that are newer than the build (and its hotfix) that were demo’d at BlizzCon. It could be hours, days or weeks before anything appears.


We’ve been spotted, abort!


Ok, I know how to get a Blue post on the subject. I’m going to get off the computer for a while so naturally the second I step away some Blue will give an update. You’re welcome. :wink:


I’ve had a permanent sub since November 2004, and I’ve gotten Friends and Family invites since WoD. If they don’t go with a full Beta, that’s where I’m hoping I get access.

Let the hype train ramp up again baby!! August is fine with me!

I keep repeating this in other places. All it was, was a change to the CDN header. There’s no build in the wings like the PTR.

How does a wow beta work? I have never been invited to one even though I have been subbed since vanilla…(cough cough blizzard). Do you just start at level 1 and go for it or will be be able to start at 60 and test raids and stuff? The reason i ask is that I think that would be an awesome way for me to find out if I want to play a class or not.

Enlightening but I am no where close to being subbed since 04 but the account I recently got linked to my bnet in legion,my 2nd account, was subbed from late 05-08.

And hey something that wasn’t there before but is there now is something to go on.

The way it currently works is based on how many wow tokens you have purchased on your account.

You will start at level 1 here. Expansion betas allow you to copy a character though.

They may allow you to create a premade 60 account.

Oh sure, but people are hammering the marlin site searching for files.


You would presume wrong. Hence another sheep glued to your T.V.

It’s not always the same, it depends on what they’re testing. When I was invited to the BfA beta (it might have still been alpha actually when I was first invited), you started at max level and were mostly forced into BfA areas to test new quests.

At some point they added a PvP beta server in which you could not even leave town, you could only buy PvP gear from vendors and queue for BGs/Arenas.

Well i should definitely get in then.

Ahhh didn’t think of it that way I can see why they left that message then.

I wonder if the Classic Beta will have the new Report Bug buttons?