Classic andys are ruining the game

Is anyone actually changing their mind on the subject? really? we are in 2 separate camps and arent gonna kiss and make up anytime soon.

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Read the room.

talk to the hand.

i’m queuing up “Us and Them”
then i’ll be in the correct frame of mind

The biggest drawback to Dark Portal Pass is that it allows people to miss the nuances along the learning curve of the class that receives the boost. The character receives all of the power but it’s now in the hands of a player who doesn’t understand how to play the class.

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unless theyve been playing that for 17 years and its just a short learning curve to remember what they were doing. I know I wouldnt do it for a class I hadnt played a lot, wouldnt really be fun.

Classes in retail are so far removed from classes in Classic that yeah—you pretty much need to relearn the class.

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Aren’t they needed thouh? I don’t play retail but isn’t the world in retail so big that teleports/portals are a necessity or am I just wrong on that?

100% agree with you.

Here’s a quote from a post I made on October 18th 2020

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You can put people on ignore list and you will never be grouped that person via LFD again.

That is how Wrath LFD worked.

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While I agree with you, the Dark Portal pass and boosting services are symptoms of the real problem. The problem is leveling takes too long. It takes so long most people don’t want to even try classic and definitely not level an alt from 1-70. Of course there are people who enjoy this, but it is not a majority.


Having LFD doesn’t mute anyone. They can talk to their heart’s content.

Denying QoL mechanics to force people to “talk to everyone” is a bad idea. Time-saving, grind-avoiding mechanics are good things that allow more people with limited time to keep pace with progression.

Retail has sucked for years because of bad content, expansion-only throwaway progression like Azurite and a ridiculous storyline that derailed after WotLK - not because of QoL measures like LFG/LFD, multi-specs or (gods forbid) even boosting.


Blizz doesn’t actually care about “community” and are flat out lying about that reasoning. It’s just PR phrases they can use to push cash shop sales and boosts.


Great point. I’ve leveled more alts than most but it’s rarely been enjoyable because of the sheer grind.

If leveling was a shorter process, you wouldn’t need boosting. Leveling is not an “achievement” - it’s a repetitive, grindy necessity. But these boards are full of people QQing about boosters “cheapening” their “achievements.”

If you played what is now old content at the time it was the highest-level in play on your server, good for you - you and your friends enjoyed your time at that “top.” But that time passed. The vast majority of WoW content has always been made for whatever the current max-level is. Dinging 60/70/80 etc… has always been the gateway before the game really starts. Then progression kicks in to drive you onward and upward.

Without scaled content that allows max-level players rewards appropriate for their level and progression (e.g. gear level), boosting is the only inevitable alternative. No one is going to play a game where 90% the content is max-level and progression-gated if they have no chance to catch up with a reasonably sane amount of playtime.

What is a Classic Andy?

People where already doing this in classic, and TBCC for exp gain over questing.

Not true actually. It’s actually still faster to level in a dungeon.

It’s actually classic in wrath. This change is a terrible one. There for it’s no longer classic. You should be more upset about a paid boost, you’re losing your classic andy badge.

wrath started without LFD. only much later did the retail corruption set in. a classic andy abhors LFD. simple as

You mean when all the original dev team left Blizz because of Activision? People seem to dismiss that really big detail and focus on QoL systems that many players actually wanted. I’d think the devs who actually cared about making a fun game leaving would have the largest impact on the “retail corruption” and why the game went downhill.

^ This. So this. This > 9,000.

Noone wants cata classic lol. At that point you may aswell go to retail.