Classes you like the idea of playing, but hate actually playing

I like the idea of playing a Paladin, but in practice I feel like I’m part of an oversaturated class with too many big CDs to want to keep track of.

I like the idea of playing a Mage, but in practice I hate playing DPS pures.

I like the idea of playing a Warrior, but I can never get the pacing of the class down and I feel more clunky than anything.

Any classes like this for yall?

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I love the way a lot of melee classes play but the high APM is murder on my wrists.

I’d WANT to main them but it just ain’t gonna happen…

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Hunter. I love playing archers in every other MMO. Hunter in WoW just feels so clunky to me. Melee feels like WoW in 2021. Hunter still feels like 2006.

Yea feral druid. Lot of micro management for mediocre dps .


Every single class.


Arcane Mage

Reworked demon hunter, momentum build sounds fun in theory, but it’s so clunky to pull off effectively and all the respositioning required for it is a headache

I second this.

Just too punishing on minor mistakes and lots to keep track of. Even if you do everything perfect it’s still mediocre outside world content and PvP.

It can be fun, but often just frustrating. Haven’t really played it since Legions launch patch…

It used to be my main.


Any caster. A blast in 5mans and raids.

Miserable to level.


fire mage. casting procs while long casting is weird to me.


I want to love it, the animations are great, and kicking people in the face never gets old. It’s just a shame the rotations never clicked with me, and overall I feel like a rogue that can’t stealth or a druid that can’t shift more than a monk that can do… whatever unique thing it is monks can do. Kick people in the face, I suppose, but that’s just animation.


Turns out Hunter for me. The playstyle was just so clunky for me. I couldn’t get into it. Nothing felt natural, I kept feeling like I was fighting with the design intent… constantly pushing buttons I didn’t want to push to enable buttons I wanted to first.

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Oh this will be fun…zzzzzzz

I don’t enjoy healing that much, and while dps sounds fun to me it gets way to repetitive and easy too fast. Tanking gives me a challenge and keeps me on my toes.

Warlocks. They get mad style points, very cool caster. Can’t get into any of their specs. I mean I can play them sure, but it’s off and doesn’t flow with me. I’m not that into dots or pets and destro always felt awkward to me with the way it plays.

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I love the idea of unholy dks but I hate the playstyle. The rotation doesn’t feel good at all, it’s not satysfying because you don’t see big crits.

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Unholy Death Knights. I like the idea of controlling mass amounts of Undead to fling at your enemies and such, like Arthas. But i really hate playing them as they die alot.

Enhance. The spammy smashy version was HEAPS of fun. Now it’s slow and clunky.

Disc Priest. It’s not that I don’t like how they play, It’s that I feel like the skill floor is high and I’m not at that level. Big bummersauce.

Druid. Everything says I should love them but I just don’t find of of the specs that fun.

Also, unfortunately, warlock.

I LOVE warlock. Historically it’s been my overall favorite class. I’ve been a warlock main on and off since early BC and it the class I usually gravitate back to in the end. BfA though… BfA made me abandon the class almost completely, and SL somehow made it even worse. SL really should have moved warlock class design backwards toward Legion, rather than doubling down on BfA.

I love playing a Rogue (obviously), but I have so many other alts to level first…

I want to play hunter but I say no to pets. I want to play priest but I can’t heal in this game and a class with 2 heal specs is doa to me.

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