Classes that seem ridiculously strong (in order)

  1. Demon hunters
  2. Death Knights
  3. Windwalker monks

Death knights are getting nerfed into being less immortal which is fine but either DH’s The Hunt DOT or the self-sustain needs some tweaking in PVP combat. If you stacked them they’d demolish any BG or brawl.


Evoker healers is making my husband curse a ton.


Demon hunters yes
DK umm unless there tank
ww toss up
locks yes
rouges yes
shaman yes


Evoker healers are surprisingly hard to kill. Its a new class so It’s to be expected. So many alter time abilities…

Melee classes in general are overturned and cannot be kited. Period.

I’m not sure why I have tools like Thunderstorm and Earthgrab totem. They do essentially nothing to the dozens of gap closers every melee has.

Warrior, Demon Hunter, Deathknight and WindWalker healing is out of this world. I have a 1.5 second hard-cast to restore roughly 10% of my health. Meanwhile these classes are unkillable, unkiteable raidbosses who can continuously heal huge percentages of their healthpool. It’s embarassing, your dev team is an embarrassment.

You might as well outright remove health pools from Evoker healers, they can’t be killed.


I just back to back crit for 140k on my resto shaman, the Druid who got 2 hit Alt f4.

No idea why it’s a thing, it was funny at least.

Self buffed*

Its Demon Hunters, Evoker Healers, Windwalkers my dude. DK just had 6 pretty substantial nerfs to survivability.

Locks need to get the bat as well.

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ww aren’t healing themselves to full over and over during a fight


Demon Hunters are not too overpowered. Some classes are just underperforming and being fixed tomorrow. You can read those notes on wowhead about the class tuning changes being implemented tomorrow. Also I dont think Windwalker should be on this list. The same guys that complain about Windwalker are the same people who hit said windwalker during touch of karma. Now with that out of the way. This is my list of overpowered classes.

  1. Guardian Druid
  2. Subtlety Rogue
  3. Death Knights (Only because of their survivability right now).
  4. Evoker (These guys one shot you sometimes with Fire Breath)
  5. Arms warrior (Has a one shot)
  6. Shaman
  7. Shadow Priest
    This list is not in order.

Where is DH and fury war lol?


I don’t know why they’ve been incapable of designing WW in a compelling way for years now. It’s always gimmicky one-shot garbage, “justified” by their relative glass cannon nature.

Make something slightly more fun to play and fight, guys.

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Lets be clear DH is the #1 Dps atm in both PvE and PvP.


neeeee not even close to rogues, rogues are broken af infinite healing and 3 different oneshots that ofc are not gonna get nerf

We agree on that,

Many class are strong , lock , ww , shamans , war , feral , rog … EVERY CLASS are strong and I think it’s great.

I feel like all class have a A Tier Spec RN for PVP , but DH are like S+ , they are like 20% better than anything else if not 40% better than anything in the game.

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The DH’s post starts with “DHs aren’t too OP” then proceeds to list 7 most busted classes including ARMS warrior and just shaman, while excluding DH altogether :eyes:


Horrible take, where are guardian druids

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Yes they dumb I agree , but I only saw 1 class doing 26MIL in a BG like WSG and AB where second in damage are like 13mil and 3rd 10mil , average players 6-7mil.

The gap is just insane.

Well I at least know I’m right about DH not being overpowered considering we are only recieving one nerf. That nerf is 10% damage reduction on The Hunt. That is literally the only nerf were seeing. Besides people act like DH is hard to kill… We have HORRIBLE physical damage mitigation. If you stun a DH properly your going to kill said DH unless your gear is alot weaker than said DH of course.

Oh ok, thank you for sharing with us today jimmy.


DH is extremely OP and you saying that are not is just you hoping not to be nerfed before you can to abuse your way up the pvp ladder.

DH, lock, spriest, evoker are all OP atm.

Sub rogue one shot is OP, but that involves stacking 3 or 4 cds to do, and is getting nerfed 30% anyway.