Classes getting left behind

Blizzard is running out of time, yet they are moving ahead with it’s release date time table and moving away from iterating on talents. It seems that the majority of the content creators are saying that most of the talents are good to go, minus the tuning, but some classes still need work.

My question is why are some classes not getting the focus it still needs and are being released essentially, unfinished?

How do you prioritize which class gets the focus it needs, and say “sorry xx class / spec. We gotta move on and you’re just done.”?


To be honest with you most of the expansion feels unfinished to me. The UI is half done, quests are broken all over the place, PvP balance is virtually untouched, the talent trees and specs are in many places a dogs breakfast of half baked ideas, itemization in many places makes no sense, the list goes on. Everything they work on takes way to long to make any real progress. If it takes a week to make two elements of the UI move then thats a serious development process issue. On the surface it looks like an expansion but underneath it is very far from done. The devil is in the details. Unfortunately launch date is launch date and beta will continue until the first content patch.

To their credit they bit off a lot for this xpack. It is very ambitious and creative. It just wont be finished by the launch date and as players we will have to accept that if we are planning to play it at that time.


Gonna have to seriously agree that this is looking to be half baked upon release. They have literally mountains of feedback about the same issues that I can forsee being a problem later on down the line but choose to do nothing. They seem to really be driving down the path of fixing it later which seems very poor design wise. I feel like they really need to understand this is a major reason people have been leaving the game


There is alot of work left. It’s always a shame they rush their products and content but it will probably never change.