Class Tuning Underway -- February 2

mistweaver is the worst spec in the entire game. i suffer in agony and despair everytime i log into this game just to get meme’d on by every hotfix. can you just tell us straight up you could care less about the fact theres litearlly 10x more of every healer spec in ALL content so we can just roll hpal. thanks. im being serious please just tell us u dont care so we can stop thinking maybe youll do something


fixed it for you.

I’m glad we were finally acknowledged. That being said, like many other players have said about their specs, a flat increase isn’t really what is going to fix the spec. The issue is that outside of 3 CDs, this spec has no damage. The duration of PoF either needs to be buffed to 15 seconds, or obliterate damage needs to be reverted to original pre-patch numbers.

Thank you for finally giving us a buff though, I just hope the dialogue will stay open.


Acknowledging that this won’t be read by Blizzard; the biggest problem with Fury Warriors is that their plate armor seems like cloth. No buffs and just standing there, my Shaman takes better punishment.


Still no bear damage buffs or other tank nerfs.
Bears damage output is half of other tanks.


The specs need better tinkering than just blanket buffs. For instance frost mage has a fingers of frost proc munching problem. If that was changed not only would their damage increase but the spec would feel better to play.

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Honestly this is getting insulting, Warrior is by far the worst class in the game, both our DPS specs are still undertuned significantly and we have the worst tank spec too(which has gotten ZERO attention). Arms and Fury have been getting buff after buff after buff equaling close to 15% increase and we’re still, statistically proven,14% behind the top 5 specs. 3% is so insulting and it’s very clear that developers are blind to their own game’s problems.


devs: should we nerf frost mage 15%?
2 months later:
devs: should we buff frost mage 13%?

I guess at least they are reacting but smacks a bit of flailing around.


This is like when the boss says: “you got a raise.”

25 cents later


Actually it’s worse than that. Havoc scales terribly with secondary stats! So 3% is just 3%. Whereas a mage scales with secondaries AND with various damage multipliers, their 3% is more like 6%. It would be completely different if our best stat wasn’t vers! I just can’t even believe someone would think 3% was good enough to make a post about.


Watch they will do a lazy fix of 5% mana reduction to all spells…


This is just “appeasement until BlizzConline” when they’ll wow us with 9.1 and more lackluster tuning changes.


At this point I’m positive the class dev team is just a single cubicle with a dartboard in it and they put a blindfold on the janitor and have them throw darts to decide what % to buff or nerf specs.
“Fury’s underperforming still?! Get Bill back in here, we need a bullseye this time!”


when are uhdk changes in pvp or pvp changes at all…

Death Knight

  • Frost
    • All damage abilities increased by 5%

Yasss queen let me go back to frost

And still will be like 20% behind unholy.

You know any PVP changes will just be “X ability deals 50% reduced damage against other players.”

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Thank you blizz, as someone who mains both these classes, this is a step in the right direction :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nice! These buffs are enough to knock an entire asz off Assassination. It’ll just be Assination now.


It’s starting to feel like even the balance adjustments are time-gated, with wildly underperforming specs getting like 3% every few weeks until by the end of the tier they’re only slightly behind… :crazy_face: