Oh look its another tier with windwalker being at the literal bottom of the logs and not getting any sort of buff or the desperately needed rework that we all know that its needs
Spriest are wanna be locks
feral was in world first fyrakk, balance wasn’t
both holy priest and disc were in world first fyrakk
Sure, they should absolutely continue buffing underperforming specs.
just press N and you too could be S tier
please fire the devs what am i even reading
It’s awesome how the same crowd that says devs shouldn’t design content for the top % of the player base, wants specs nerfed based on the performance of that same top % of the player base.
I swear yall should be doing standup because the jokes yall come up with on the spot are hilarious lmao aint now way this is the only tuning showing up this patch.
Foreal tho where is the rest of it
the duality of asmongold watchers honestly.
No Havoc/BM/Assassin changes despite their broken dps?
No WW changes despite them being bottom by an even larger margin now that the next 2 higher specs are getting buffed?
April fools day come early?
Feral is honestly in great shape. Maybe they need a small aoe buff, but even that is mostly fine.
What are ya’ll monitoring? The spriest and warlock forums? This tuning is bad and you should feel bad.
Demo isn’t broken. It’s just an effective spec to play. People need to get gud. I have a lot of talents that aren’t inherently OP, but they synergize.
Those Evoker changes are honestly bizarre.
Azure Strike damage buff…? Whoop-dee-doo.
Time Stop doesn’t really need a decreased cooldown. It was already short at 1min.
A major problem with Time Stop is that it immunes any friendly CDs sent into it, making it a complete liability to press in most situations, especially ones without voice like RSS. If it didn’t do that, or if it had some other function like usability on enemies / in stuns, it’d be grand, but it doesn’t need the shortened CD.
Preservation getting a 5% mana buff… like, all right. I don’t think that’s remotely the main issue it’s facing right now, but thanks. Dream Flight increased healing… maybe it’ll be taken in BGs now? Meh.
To see you not be optimistic is jarring. If you are upset, I feel upset by proxy.
Feral need defensive + significant(ly more) healing buffs in pvp, it lost the defensive arms race (Primary toolkit is run and heal, outside of 3min wall for 6s) and is sliding further downhill
Can Brewmasters get our 20% Spinning Crane Kick damage back?
- Released a tier set for Aberrus that increases Spinning Crane Kick damage.
- Promptly nerfed Spinning Crane Kick by 20%, undoing the tier bonus.
- People are dropping the old tier bonus. Can we get that 20% back?
Yeah, the devs should forego class balance because a small handful of players worked really hard the last ~10 days or so.
Poor Windwalker.
No changes to Havoc, so we can conclude it’s performing as intended. Too bad for everyone else not on this buff list.