we are the gods of this game they just don’t know it
No frost mage changes? Definitely could have buffed the tier set bonuses or something
how it feels when wings is up
I get that the entire theme is casino/flashey/jackpot/goblin nonsense… But the RNG set bonuses are going to be either completely broken or completely irrelevant with zero middle ground at this rate.
For F sake, let me have fun on my hunter atleast for a weerk
Why even have the proc at that point?
Ironic is the name, too. The House always wins. sorry for the nerf
Ok so hellcalling is no more?
2 sec tick to 3 secs…
and the tier bonus 200% to 100% effectiveness…
At least give us more disruptions, so that we can find spots in m+
f being a warlock. seriously…
I may be wrong, gotta do some more sims. But seriously, tuning before tuning and after tuning is mehhhh
I’m done with this crap.
Mistweaver was the only decent monk spec and it just catches strays. Its now going to be dogcrap in PvP as well.
Brewmaster completely ignored again.
You don’t even have to say anything: You wish all the monks will unsub.
We’ll, your wish is gonna get granted real quick.
A 40% nerf? Is Feral really that strong right now?
LOL what are these changes.
Damage wise, VDH/Prot Pal/Prot War/BDK are close. Brew is a quite a bit lower. Bear is significantly lower – though Bear can do decent AOE damage but Brew AOE dps is terrible.
Defensive/Sustain wise, VDH is unkillable and antithetical to their “supposed” tank philosophy. BDK is unkillable up to a certain point again. Prot Pal, Bear, and Prot War are still brick walls. Brewmaster is significantly lower than every other tank in this category.
Utility wise, Prot Pal is still king, VDH is close. Bear has decent utility. BDK has AMZ and grips. Prot War and Brew don’t have crap.
And then all the hpals just deleted their characters.
Surely there’s some reasoning behind nerfing havoc by this much before the tier even starts, right?
HPal still dead in a ditch for m+
Blizz doesn’t want the issue of set bonuses being worth carrying over in to the next season, so they intentionally made them incredibly weak. Speaking as a prot war our 4p S1 set was worth a whopping 2% DPS, and that’s rounding up.
Not 1 Affli buff, while they were alrdy the weakest Warlock spec?
Come on Blizzard :<
And no Firemage nerf? ^^
This isn’t Nerubar Palace anymore.
Even with a 4% healing nerf, mistweaver is still looking pretty good.
Buff unholy PvP