Class Tuning Incoming - March 4

does work better for enhance imo, with they way they spread flameshock, but for ele that’s sucky, 1 way to really spread “lmt” and you don’t even take it

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Nope. Just saying what most people who actually enjoy the game tend to do.

“My buddies weren’t around as much to help me get 2500”

I’m just wondering at this point who at Blizzard decided to pass around the crack pipe, some of these changes don’t make sense.


i’ve gotten ksm pugging, back in SL, it sucked, I hate pugs, why would i subject myself to leavers, or bad players?

why wouldn’t i just prefer to have fun with friends?

honestly, you sound like someone who can’t make friends

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It’s always easier when friends soft/hard carry people.

I never said you wouldn’t.

lol I have no problems making friends. Weird deflection when I’m pointing things out.

you just assume things about me, yet i can’t assume things about you? lol

Ugh. Yeah I don’t like that.

Idc what you do. I’m making observations

And my observation is you don’t have any friends to play with :slight_smile:

lol your observations are terrible has I have friends from this forum on btag that I play with.

They nerfed the set bonuses but buffed their regular damage by 10%.

I assume they wanted to move the damage away from the tier set so BM hunters weren’t so reliant on it.

It feels bad when a good chunk of your damage is from a tier bonus. (Except in the last season of an xpac when that’s the goal with all classes since their numbers/skills get redone in the next season when the next xpac launches)

Well, anyone can make any assumptions they want, you assume I’m bad because I only play with friends. I assume you have no friends because you can’t understand why someone would only play with friends.

None of us pug, we play a lot of games besides wow too. Wow used to be the only game I played, I even raided 6 days a week in vanilla, but there is so many other good games out there that playing just a day or two a week is fine

You don’t PUG, and you don’t play high content… So why are you posting in this thread?

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Truer words have never been spoken.

Oh I missed the the patch notes where it said the changes only applied in keys high enough to meet whatever arbitrary threshold you would set.

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I understand why you play with friends. Its also an assumption based on that and multiple other factors.

Yet they arent even true at all. I literally have forum friends on my btag I play with. I just dont make friends with obvious boosted players.

COnsidering how obvious you bought 2500 is you really shoiuldnt be commenting at all.

Had to go get a snack to finish reading all the brew changes, good to see they’re looking after the lowest represented tank!

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Isn’t the whole point of a “tier” is that the specs within it are more or less equal? At least, that is how it should be. If the bottom end if the tier is some much worst than the top end so that you need to consider it separately, then the honest thing to do would be to split the tier into two and bump everything down.

This is definitely how it SHOULD be but not how people generally do it lol. A lot of them rank the specs in order in a given tier. Idk, the whole tier list thing is silly. They’re entertaining and fun to discuss, but yeah the game is way too complex and subjective to have a completely accurate scale.

Either way, “low b” or just b in general is never above average. That dude just talks out of his rear on a daily basis and is incapable of saying he was wrong while saying a bunch of dumb stuff so I felt like pointing out what a dumb claim that was. It’s entertaining to watch him embarrass himself while trying to talk his way out of a hole instead of just admitting he was incorrect.

Please just make firestorm a new ability…something like:

“replaces deep breath. When cast you fly above the location you place reticle on ground for X seconds and constant deep breath a location in-between casting abilities. You can move during this.”


“replaces Fire breath. When cast you fly above the location you place reticle on ground for X seconds and apply the strongest version of a fire breath dot to enemies in the reticle while constant breathing fire over them and in-between casting abilities. You can move during this.”

Something cool idk…

Firestorm is so awkward.