Class Tuning Incoming -- March 28

Thanks you Kaivax for the drama in this thread :+1:

You act like Forbearance doesnt exist.

There something broken in PvP every season. this is nothing new.

Looking at the MDI data - these nerfs REALLY make no sense.

I checked all three pools - and results going up.

0 - Hunters of any spec
1 WL - (Destro - 0 DEMO/AFF
0 Frost DKs

So a grand total of 1 entry from the classes nerfed. Were they really overtuned?? I mean - if Demo was SOOO overtuned, as with the hunters - wouldn’t we see at least 1???

RET Pally is about the only nerfs that makes sence. BM was slightly high on ST, but everything else about BM is trash. Survivability is a joke, AoE is terrible, ditto with Survival. MM isn’t too great on ST or AoE.

Can this please be revisited now your beloved eSports weekend is ending, and the datat shows that these classes aren’t viable in higher content on both a DM and AoE requirements. Yes - these classes are great on Terros - but horrible all else.

Again, Blizz, please help understand these nerfs. It’s not fun being filtered from higher keys simply due to the class you play.

Again - Can you please help us understand??

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uhm there was multiple BM hunters