Class Tuning Incoming -- March 28

I love when DH’s thank Blizzard for nerfing Ret…when they are DH’s and need like 15 nerfs, but Blizzard ignores them…wonder if this person would thank Blizzard for giving them the appropriate nerfs they need in PVP. My guess would be their hypocrisy would be showing then :wink:


Did they actually get a nerf, cuz, they are still dominating BGs by 2x and 3xs everyone else. And the BGs are still 30%+ all Paladins.

WORST DECISION EVER… thanks for destroying demo locks… the fun part was the aoe and pets smh

Any clarification on the bm nerfs? If they were pvp only, I’d understand. But they aren’t.

Almost guaranteed you aren’t considering hunters using the crafted bow as op. So why again are we balancing the entire spec around the few players that do have the mythic bow and are now getting pi in farm kills?


Its a good thing literally 0 of the demo changes affect pvp so what youre saying is meaningless

I’ve brought up PVE and that ramping up DPS is an issue with Warlocks, Ssear. The players must move to the next group of mobs immediately for the damage to be consistent/high. If you don’t, the damage that was ramped up will go back down. Changes made to PVE will affect PVP, and that’s another simple fact.

You’ve read a post where I mentioned that I only PVE, and all that information was on one forum entry. If you didn’t read that, you’re only reading a few things that mean something to you, and that’s it. I understand what you’re saying.

Is this company a complete joke?

a) Buff Hunters because a bow
b) Nerf a little this buff
c) Undo the buff

Like, what?!?!

And DH are complete TRASH CAN in RSS, can you BUFF us and hunters (surviability) ???

Hope MS buys this company for good sake…

Are these massive swings in Ret Paladin power carefully tested, or are they just another wild swing from one extreme to another? Rets always seem like last minute panic is the philosophy behind their design.

100% the issue was that they underestimated how big the buffs to the new Annulet were. BM and MM were getting good buffs coming into 10.0.7, but then they also giga-blasted the bonuses on the Annulet, and those are like 8-10% increase as well.

And they can’t really nerf the ring without making it useless for a lot of classes, so they just hit MM and BM with a fat nerf instead.

What? Hunters nerfed again? Well, I am shocked. Shocked, I say.

See this? This is my shocked face. :neutral_face:


That’s my bad. I was so done getting throttled on my Druid I decided to reroll warlock 2 weeks ago.

Taking bids in what to roll next. I’m thinking Ret could use a peg down.

You know what feels bad, when you get the mythic kurog trinket and your dps decreases from the week before when you had the heroic one. Good job blizz, nerfing us but then giving us that power back on a set bonus next tier, absolute garbage balancing.

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Oh no, the nerfs are following you

No, in the post I replied to you brought up someones pvp ranking in a thread about pve only nerfs. The nerfs are strictly numerical and explicitly not implemented in PVP, thus your post, the one I was replying to, is meaningless.

Devs are still traumatized by week 1 Frost pvp? Why hasn’t Death Strike been fixed? We have one self-heal and it is currently useless in pvp, but Paladin gets 15 passive heals as a “get well soon” card?

You don’t say! The developers really didn’t figure out before the rework that giving a damage class the ability to triple and quadruple-replicate their main abilities, as well as integrate passive heals and damage mitigators into them, was going to result in massive over-performance?

hello boys! im letting u guys know that BM hunter nerf wasnt only 10% its way more. after update. the kill command was 27k+, now its 26k, also dps dropped alot. what u guys did? its unplayable now.


Because what these devs don’t seem to know it’s there’s a talent that makes dreadbite aoe.

They should be nerfing the talent if that’s the intent. Not the baseline ability.

Because these changes will significantly affect demonology single target as well, not just aoe which they claim is their target.

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Kaivav, anyone, can you please help understand these nerfs? or help us understand why such a hard stance against helping us?

Does the WoW team also support the D4 team, also? Class tuning their is a complete SS, as well.

Ah well, at least I’ll have some good banter for streaming this week. Play another game - Blizz don’t care.

  • Citation Needed

BM hunter doing less dps at 420 ilvl than I was at 415.

Actually so f’ing dumb. Useless.