Class Tuning Incoming -- March 28

Just cause? Lol


How about pushing a Overall CC nerf as well? cause lets face it we’re sick of mass CC causing trouble and Class stacking.
cause One thing Frost DKs didn’t need was a slight damage nerf overall.


We are pretty mid for PVE even with the rework. So it’s even funnier we are being nerfed this hard.


Honestly they should push the 10.1 crit damage reduction as well.

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Demonology* is the pet-centric spec, for the other two specs the demons offer only utility and minimal damage. Let Destruction and Affliction opt out and give Grimoire of Sacrifice unique flavor for each of them. And while you are at it fix it’s position in the talent trees because that alone often makes it the opposite of desirable.


Are the nerfs live yet?

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Somebody wake me when whoever made the decision on these changes gets fired.


What the actual F


LOL Ret is good for 3 days and it’s "Overwhelming Feedback’> Sounds like a bunch of cry babies that used to tell us to stop crying about our class being bad. deal.


Didn’t even consider that there might be a learning curve for players to figure out how to counter the new style of ret? Let’s just nerf it to the ground, we simply can’t let Ret be good. Warlock, sure…Rogue absolutely, Warrior…why not? RET!!! HEEELLLLLLL NAAAHHH SON. Feels like every spec has gotten it’s time in the sun. What do Rets get? 3 days of a sub patch at the end of a season when it doesn’t matter anymore. Unsubbing.


You can’t be serious when you say they hate locks? Did you just start playing in Dragon Flight?

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Hunters were in a decent spot, for a week… You nerfed the crap out of us in Shadowlands when we were literally just in a good spot, not OP, then you turn right around and do the same thing to hunters in Dragonflight!

You nerfed MM with the ridiculous change to Double Tap and Salvo, then you nerf the bow and buff as compensation only to turn around and nerf the ever loving crap back out of us!

Just nerf us in PvP if that’s the issue and quit nerfing us in PvE! We’re nowhere close to OP and you’re still nerfing the crap out of us. It’s beyond ridiculous at this point!!!


it’s really disappointing that this most recent tuning pass for warlocks comes after a week of raid testing where warlocks have a massive damage bug and are gettign spammed with PI. you can’t possibly have any useable data on warlock balance right now. and nerfing demo is just hilarious.


This is absolutely appalling, the consistent obsession with stomping affliction with nerfs the second its competitive. The bug fixes to our talents causing extra damage and haste along with the nerf to seed of corruption the other day were more than enough, do you guys actually PLAY this spec?

And okay, if we’re in the process of tuning multi target (as was stated in the notes), how on earth does broken Spriest Psychic Link make it past this tuning when they’ve been at the top of S-tier in M+ for weeks now and is OBVIOUSLY overtuned? That makes absolutely zero sense and these changes seem just beyond out of touch.


I was being sarcastic.

Warlocks have been one of the most consistently strong classes throughout WoW’s existence.

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Weird hunter nerfs. Spec offers little utility and no raid buffs. It should have really good damage. Keep hunters damage competitive and at the top of the meters or give raid leaders an actual reason to bring a hunter. Can’t afford to be a middle of the pack spec and have no utitlity/raid value.


At the end of the day Warlock is a pet-centric class and while we want there to be an option to opt-out of your pet, we don’t want it to always be the clear answer.

The stupidity shocks me. Go get a high school degree.

“Grimoire of Sacrifice” is worth a TALENT POINT. Now, you are basically telling me that “Grimoire of Sacrifice” TALENT should not bring any benefit.

If you want it to be “an option to opt-out of your pet”, put it back into the spell book!


Oh well - it was fun while it lasted, but I stuck around through WotLK and into Cata last time before realizing that “TO THE GROUND” really meant that. Not going to do that again.


We’re making these adjustments to bring them in line with other damage dealers.

Based on what? The log with warlock haste and damage bugs? You leave the bugs unfixed for weeks! Fixing the bugs already brings locks in line with others and you are making it even worse than the pre-buffed specs before 10.0.7.


The stupid spec devs do not worth my sub. I’m done with this game once the tuning goes online.