Forum janitors will dispense with you for the filter dodge there. Might wanna change that word to HECKS or something.
So Odyn’s Fury is just dead? What the developers themselves called a signature Fury ability that was nerfed to oblivion with this patch.
One of the few fury talent issues that could be solved with simple number tuning and we can’t even get that.
At long last Blizz has fixed brew! /sarcasm
Still a horrible spell until it applies a flame shock minimum.
Fantastic, WW’s will now be bottom tier in M+ and mediocre at best in raid. Monks truly aren’t allowed to be good.
how did mm get away
Celebrate good times, come on!
Over 50% of subscribers are night elf hunters. Blizzard can’t (financially) risk having them unsubscribe.
The dissonance is actually almost impressive at this point
What bothers me is that out of 16 total toons, only 3 have 2-piece tier. The rest either have not had any drop (why thank you, Mr. RNG), or just do not have the right pieces in the right places to upgrade at the catalyst (again, thank you Mr. RNG). Not to mention how slow our catalyst charges are coming, anyway… But Blizzard thinks it is cool to go ahead and start nerfing S1 tier sets… If I was making choices I wouldn’t choose me either.
Survival for LIFE
We would have had a net loss if undermine tier wasnt buffed. It was already so weak we literally were using 4 set from NP over it.
FS is a dead tree and we get nothing. I’m so tired of Havoc being constantly neglected by the devs. This has been happening since Shadowlands.
WOOOOO let’s GO baby. Now can we get a little help with our surivability please?
Damn you guys just want brewmaster mains to give up huh lmaoooo
Prot warrior damage is all the tank had going for it. Literally every tier this happens. Another tier of prot pally / dh.
Can you devs get your brains together and come up with some good utility for warrior or just let us have the best damage? Annoying game to play man.
- Shadow
- All damage done reduced by 3%.
I could care less about the damage nerf give us CDR or a second charge of shadowcrash already, its so annoying in dungeons to be stuck hard casting dots when the pull is bigger than 8.
You arent playing the game on characters youre claiming you have. The gear is in ABUNDANCE now more than ever.
BrM notes gonna make poor monks rage or laugh maniacally.
Sad at Prot nerfs… and no changes to fury.
A Step in the right direction, but doesn’t fix the core issue with Primordial Wave.
It needs to function with our mastery.
We need a way to apply/spread Flame Shock proberly in AOE.
Make Primordial Wave apply Flameshock
But why tho? I feel like we’re in a fairly solid spot atm