Class Tuning Incoming - March 12

Of course not, they only look at how the top .01% players are playing and make adjustments based on that alone it seems. They don’t pay attention to the other 99.99%.


So many assumptions you made there.

All incorrect.

Never even addressed what I said, just went off on a tangent about how you hate PvPers.

At the end of the day, ppl here are paying a sub. If the devs get their feelings hurt cuz ppl are mad that they refuse to tune the game, that to me sounds like a self inflicted wound. Keep defending them all you want, but calling them out for doing a poor job is 100% justified.


i can’t even agree there, i know a good fire mage and he can already top meters and do insane damage, in no universe does fire mage need any buffs, they need nerfs, not buffs.

these changes make no sense, the devs didn’t look at any feedback, if they did they would be gutting DH and MM and buffing DK and Shaman. if they looked at performance numbers, they wouldn’t be buffing fire.

these are just changes to say they did something.

What I don’t get is how people are squeezing that much damage out of fire mages. The only explanation I can come up with is that they are still running the meta comp with Aug/PI. Without those things even at 482 ilevel, I can barely squeeze out a 150k overall at the end of a dungeon - especially if I’m running with two other burst dps classes (which I often am) and the tank isn’t doing huge pulls.

Did I just answer my own question? lol

death knight hasnt gotten a survival buff this expac once, only nerfs. spellwarden was the reason that every single dk survival talent/ability beside IBF was nerfed, but we didnt get any compensation buff for it once it was flat out removed. training dks in shuffle and 3s feels really bad. please consider some survival buffs.

i also feel like its worth considering unnerfing the grab component that abom limb got going into dragonflight but thats probably a pipe dream. it feels like every class/spec has so much escape now that it would be nice


I’m talking about purely PvP (mainly arenas) here. I cant speak for or against the spec itself as I don’t play it, but I can say that fire mages few and far between in arenas.

PVP, and especially in bgs and epic bgs. in fact right now one of the big issues with PVP is that the devs balance around 3s but everyone and their mother gets their start in randoms and epics. the balancing around 3s has reached a point where bgs and arena don’t play like each other, classes that are OP in arena are meh in bgs and classes that are barely seen in arena are oppressive in bgs.

its not like MM needed another buff:

Try augmentation, they hate my spec so much, and are so obsessed with making sure rogue is the most overpowered spec in PvP. No Subtlety nerfs at all?? The most baby Outlaw Nerf ever that will never be felt, and is probably a net buff with mage getting buffs and RMX being the meta again

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Hpal buffs were horrible. PvP dps was not the issue. For the love of god start paying attention to the community. Being hard forced to cast while wog and lod feel horrible in in pve and pvp without dawnstacks, our kit barely interacting at all with itself…

Why even have a builder / spender healer if you are going to leave it like this.

Then you have poor dks that’s kit feels like it’s been left in the past, armor that’s been gutted in pvp, and now the go target with no escapes…

And the dh and outlaw nerf ended up being a “see we did something” that won’t amount to any meaningful change.

Changes to caster mw was nice I guess and pres could use the buff but not sure these will help it. Thankfully it’s okay generally.

Ele buffs are nice I guess if not somewhat baffling as in pve I’m not sure it’ll do much and in pvp meh. I guess fixing the healing with enh will help a little but it could use something besides heals to keep it defensively viable.


they sure as fk don’t need a buff in arenas

Never said I hated ya. I just know how your minds work. so what then after? Will the next class on top get the same treatment? I already know the answer to that redundant question.

Then vote with your wallet and get out if the changes arn’t happening. you all sound pretty miserable after the lack of attention pvp has gotten over the years. It’s not going to change ever, yet you still try in vain and wish for changes.

It’s not gonna happen no matter how much you piss and moan about it.

That could be, and if it is, i would be upset also. But my main is BM, have not played mark’s since they changed it in WoD.

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You clearly don’t know the difference between 95th percentile and all percentiles.

When played correctly Mm is above Aug


Sorry, I didn’t notice it was so high up :roll_eyes:and sure, it’s above augvoker. Still pretty much one of the worst specs atm.

I said ST btw.

Terrible hunter changes. Where is the mm buffs. 3% really? Come on.

Source? 10char

3% woohoo… Maybe we will be higher than augvoker on the charts with that. Maybe…


Can you explain what metrics yall use to gauge what specs need adjustment? Wondering how there is nothing for affliction warlock in PVE.


When PVP is just a side game and the real game is PVE where marks is at the very bottom of the DPS meter. PVP is just 1 very small aspect of this game.

They can adjust dmg and not have it affect pvp…