Class Tuning Incoming - March 12

Nothing is being changed with their range. They’re saying the buffs will help make up for the lower range.

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I can understand some of these changes. Why are Death Knights overlooked some of these buffs / nerfs do not seem to have any reasoning behind them. Perhaps behind each change there can be some feedback behind the choice. Death Knights have extremely poor survivability, too many abilities locked behind GCD and currently underblankets of nerfs to armor, self healing, and pvp nerf modifiers.


Pretty simple. They hate dks :man_shrugging: and ive seen nothing this expansion that says otherwise


Well that sucks. I almost wanted to play preservation for a second.

Luls…wheres the rest of tbe list …aff aoe buffs dk buffs…feral druid assas rogue.


TYVM! But PvP has more issues than just Class Tuning which it did definitely need. I’ve taken the liberty of Organizing the issues and possible solutions for you here, please please consider fixing the other many issues plaguing PvP, may of which would be very easy to fix. Also Mist Weaver Monk Buffs? Really? Several of these make no sense. Forgetting about Frost DKs perpetually.
PvP Issues Megathread- All Issues Organized, Community Council and Blizzard Aid Requested


But… we Sin rogues paid the PI tax… can’t we get a tax return at some point…?


Where are the druid DPS changes? Moonkin is relevant for 1 raid fight and in keys we’re only good in high keys that most of the community will never see and even then it’s due to other classes keeping us alive and buffed because our survivability is abysmal (even with bear form which costs us 2-3 GCDs of no active damage to use). Feral isn’t much better and in some cases is even worse. Could we please see some survivability buffs in our class tree so that we don’t have to play with specific comps to keep us alive? Also, less ramp would be nice in keys under 25s where everything can just be burst down by melee still.

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You think pres voker had no reason to be buffed?

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Wait, did every single class in the game get an update but DK?


This has to be trolling right?

Holy Paladin is severely struggling with GCDs and mana usage.
Blessing of Summer being on the GCD is just killing the spec.
The spec goes oom whenever it doesn’t play the most degen flash of light spam playstyle…
We don’t need a % healing buff. But at least some QoL is needed.


A joke of change for Hpaladins, make word of glory stronger, revert 30% armor nerf.
No nerfs to fw, absolutely a joke

You made us wait 2 months to leave DH still overpowered


Any time a monk spec is meta or near meta you can count on it being swiftly nerfed. 2 healing specs seeing more play in keys than MW so surely we should nerf them too… Yeah no…


Did you see the abilities they targeted and how tiny those nerf numbers are?


Suffer Well


This made me laugh. No you guys don’t. If you did, it wouldn’t take this long for class tuning.


Those MW nerfs are pointless. Nerf healing by 6% but then buff the abilities that do 95% of their healing by 6%. It’s like they’re still doing raid nerfs. That or somebody at blizz really hates the idea of caster MW in keys.

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Which do people think devs pay attention to more –
Their own data (class performance) or player feedback?

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Your damage may be below augvokers

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Considering how biased and clueless the majority of the playerbase is they should be ignored tbh.