Class Tuning Incoming -- February 7 (Updated)

yeah agreed they need a nerf

they actually did get one! in 10.0.7 they get a self healing reduction

Blizzard, please for the love of god do something to hunter survivability. We are so ridiculously squishy. Thank you!

Suggestion for SV hunter: buff passive healing from mastery.

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For better or worse it might just be because as a warlock I don’t want to move or my damage tanks. I want to stand by myself where people can’t infect me with something or tag me with something or require me to move. Because if I have to move I can’t do much unless I have some insta procs up.

So it looks like Bears aren’t getting more changes? What you listed is what we’re getting? Nothing to actually fix the issues that are keeping Bears a F tier tank?



It’s all these idiots know how to do buff nerf buff nerf buff nerf buff nerf get real and fix things the right way they couldn’t balance 2 100lb weights properly. Based on there performance in end game that they don’t play yeah makes sense.

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Blizzard. Please stop balancing every 2 weeks. Do it on your minor patches. Then shake meta up on major patches. Just stop.

That’s it for bear? What a joke.

I can agree with that in pvp there OP

5% blanket aura for hunters is NOT enough

Those without bows are 11-15% behind those with Bows. Please nerf the Raz bow and move some of the item power into the spec.

ST damage is awful. Please buff ST spells by 10-15%. Example, buff kill shot, arcane shots.


  • spec needs to be redesigned
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nice looks like tanks are getting a buff minus DH and monks
some healers getting a buff

hunter and pet abilities
some dps are getting buffs not bad not bad at all

Assuming you’re talking about raids, Prevokers have the highest average hps amongst healers in Vault, immediately followed up by Druids who are also getting nerfed, with the other healers trailing so far behind it’s unlikely they’ll fill the gap.

Not to sound like a troll, but based on logs… Skill issue


Cool bananas!

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same with paladin
maybe instead of nerfing tanks bring them inline with warriors

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Holy Priest meta :slight_smile: good

Yep Bears are dead. This was the final nail in the coffin.

you guys need to increase the duration of the virulent plague…this is getting ridiculous

Glad to see warrior nerfs, But seriously took you 2 months to realize MS was doing too much damage lol.

I just don’t understand what needs to happen for Elemental Shaman to get some attention. We started the tier off in a decent spot, but you spent 2+ months buffing everybody else massively while tossing us one irrelevant and tiny buff in the middle of that, and now we are just left for dead. You gave us strong raid utility for one week and then decided we don’t deserve strong raid utility. What is the point of Ele sham?


So… basically, instead of being killed within 2 successive CCs/stun-locks in PvP Im gonna be killed within 1.