Class Tuning Incoming -- December 20

DH is in the bottom 50% right now. What are you on about?

@Kaivax please take a look at destruction warlock AOE. The fact that it has NOT been addressed tells me that people haven’t even looked at it because if they did it would be changed right away.

Take five DPS and give them five seconds to do AOE damage.

Monk does over 109k damage
Warrior does over 100k damage
Rogue does over 100k damage
Demon Hunter does over 100k damage
Destruction Warlock does 30k damage

I kid you not, if you cast reign of fire, cataclysm, demon fire and use havoc you’re only going to hit above 30 K. And that’s with like four spells. While other classes get one or two spells and they hit over 100 K.

What is going on here, you guys clearly aren’t aware or you’re purposely ignoring it.

Do you think people that spend over 1000 hours into a character are going to re-roll to the flavor of the month? Yeah right I rather quit, straight up quit.


Over 40K people watching WFR right now. On a Saturday. In the middle of the day.

How’s that PvP “esport” working out champ? Like 12 people watched the last PvP event lol.

A very specific, very small, group of people at that. Just turn this mode off and use the resources to improve the game mode that the vast majority are paying for.

This tuning pass specifically seems silly and targeted at raid despite raiding being the worst form of content this game has to offer.

Why nerf marksman hunter but leave fury and demo lock alone? Why buff resto druid?

Look, I’m happy you guys are making passes frequently, I am. But also keep m+ balance in mind, it’s actual content.

I’ve been playing WW Monk.
Strike of the Windlord is our main ability in pvp. The nerf is too much.
Our survivability is very bad, we die in 1 stun.
Pally, DH, Shaman, Lock, Spriest destroy me if I can’t kill them right away, and mostly I can’t.
It will be interesting to see how builds will turn to as much self healing as possible. Every spec I’ve played the healing has been really bad.
I’m going to level a Pally and a Hunter to switch between but man it seems like a huge waste of time.

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ur clueless bro. U obviously didn’t play last season. Step aside and let the people who actually know what they’re talking about say what needs to be said…

I did play last season. In fact I was commenting on pve not pvp.

Stay mad though :joy:

sick bro nobody cares about pve

I care.

No idea why you’re so bitter and salty

Eliminating pvp will free up resources to have a more balance game and classes will feel better.

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yeah dh so scary, there’s barely any above 2.2k maybe like 2 or 3

You are in hard delusion if you think affliction is even a relevant dps spec currently.

Not a big fan of where these changes are going in pvp. Last balance patch saw survivability nerfed, and now damage is being buffed across the boards.

Punishing defensive and rope-a-dope play styles is in poor taste, imo. On top of that, pushing this e-sports-audience oriented mentality, is short-sighted and has been a constant community complaint over the years.

If Bliz wants to convince people they listen to the playerbase, this is not at all the right way to do it.

To be fair the survival hunter got nothing and is worse than balance druids in that chart you showed. I need to scroll through the replies to even see if any survival hunters have responded.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but these buffs equate to an extremely marginal gain for both specs. Aff still won’t be relevant for keys, gains nothing for pvp since its MR and Shadow bolt being buffed, and in raid its like a 5% damage buff single target, which still won’t put it at middle of the pack really. And the Destro buff is even more negligible.

In summary: largely irrelevant changes.

They probably won’t do anything meaningful about them until the first major content patch. And even then, I get the feeling they probably think they are fine. They ignored months of feedback on beta. Really surprised no changes for brewmaster. Blizzard somehow managed to put BOTH brewmaster and mistweaver monk in the grave practically for good. I guess don’t forget to nerf windwalkers into the ground also. Then we can just delete the entire class from the game.


Would have liked to see Demonology single target buffed a bit to be honest, such as a Demonbolt buff for example (something that doesn’t make it more potent for stacked aoe/cleave since it already has a relatively strong damage profile for those).

Currently, Demo is way too punished by any sort of movement on boss fights (thank you nether portal), and basically requires power infusion to be at all competitive on ST. Its damage return is absolutely not worth the level of attention required to perform an ideal rotation. It is incredibly annoying to play.

Nether Portal playstyle needs to be nuked into oblivion, or buffed to be more rewarding. I don’t think anyone likes it as of now.

These Aff / Destro buffs are largely irrelevant. Affliction is an undertuned travesty, and Destro, though fun, is simply not tuned competitively either.

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Don’t think we needed this, but I will take it. I’m doing pretty well.


I for one like being dog sh** tier dps. Everyone loves the underdog. Plus, its pretty easy to impress people when I finally pull ahead of the tank in damage. Flex

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