Class Tuning Incoming -- December 20

Laughable changes.

Shadow Priest and Warlocks are literally Gods in PvP right now and you buff their dmg across the board ?? Good thing i boosted a shadow priest alt to cheese everyone with this overpowered class. Im beating people that try to gank me with double my Hp LOL

Oh and no changes for weeks for paladin when they are the worst healer in pvp and worst melee in pvp.

Really a bad expantion for paladin and pvp balance.


MM’s tier bonuses aren’t great. It’ll likely fall behind a bit, even if we don’t factor in the 3% cut.

Nobody. Cares. About. WoW. PvP.

It’s a worldwide joke. Just stop.


where are there healer evoker nerfs? Must have missed it.

Also need h priest buff in pvp. revert the last nerfs.

November 18th:

  • Marksmanship
    • All damage dealt increased by 10%.

December 20th:

  • Marksmanship
    • All ability damage reduced by 3%.

What changed between then and now? What math turned out to be wrong in less than a month? What metrics were missing then that changed now?

I would like to believe there is actual data being analyzed that result in change, but this makes me think that there is just guessing and spit-balling going on. Wouldn’t it have been better to buff by 5% then, take a look at data, then buff by another 2-3% now?


Death Strike Buff pls


second round… and it’ll probably still be garbage. Remove ROP already, please. That’s all we need. Then balance the class around not having that stupid ability everyone hates.


You’ll be ok on the bottom for a bit. Ret has been very broken for a while.

Arcane nerfs? Hello? Cant seriously think arcane mages are fine

So like, where are the resto buffs for the crappy shaman class? or are you guys to entranced by your baby, the druid?

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No one cares aout pve lol. what a joke.

Im sorry what ? When was Ret ever broken ? we always struggled doing any dmg outside of wings and have bottom of the barrel mobility. wtf

dec20? Dam, that’s nice, i thought we’d have to wait for 2 months.

Hey demon hunter, evokers and fury warriors are dominating PvP, let’s nerf assassination rogues and buff evokers and warriors and leave dh alone after all they’re all weak classes :slight_smile:


How about delete pvp and end this endless conversation about balancing each class for that specific group of people.


There is data from the 95th percentile in raid. They went from doing bad, to being a top 5 spec. They brought all the top specs down 3%.

Oh yeah and kill the game ?? I only pvp has so a lot of people you pve casual

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I must have missed that, my mistake. Relax dude…
That doesn’t change my point though. Tanks have large defensive abilities, theres no reason to add large damage on top of it.

are you high? what mythic can be solo’d by an ele shaman or assassin rogue in 345? almost every tank right now is wildly overpowered. Massive damage while being unkillable, they’re nuts.

thats… the point… of tanks… they tank. This isnt that controversial man, the dps are the ones that do damage. If you wanna have big numbers, maaaaaaybe swap to fury or arms

Even in PvP? I don’t think you thought this through. Moreover, I don’t think you play Warrior to know this.