Fire mage runs out of mana right now when you have enough haste. Can we PLEASE fix this. The TA combustion procs are the worst because they chunk your mana down by like 15% each. I have run OOM as a fire mage in the middle of mythic kyveza and a necrotic wake 10. The fact this has been in since alpha is astounding at this point.
I think Brewmasters should get some love
Entire month of silence after you ruined Dark Ranger with 11.05 and then you drop this and add the buffs to marks inside the pvp section?? surely your joking right… aint no way this is all there is, while you havnt fixed a single bug with dark ranger since 11.05 dropped.
L to Prot Pally nerfs… Also give us our legion heal back. Mana cost on something that already costs 3 Holy Power is pure idiocy, and for a tank no less.
you call this regular balancing? lets wait for people to finally get high IO then start balancing.
Nothing for Warlocks (outside of PvP), is that a good thing, or a bad thing?
in my current build as shadowpan only the 20% FoF damage and 8% BOkick lines apply.
i hope i dont have to switch to conduit, i like shadowpan heh
the DH changes for pvp are kinda a slap in the face ngl most the abilitys buffed combined are less then 1% of their dmg overall
immo aura buff is good i guess?
Its a thing… warlocks are in a alright spot. Not amazing, not bad but there isn’t really anything to emergency fix.
Just once I’d love for Dev to not be in Augs shadow.
Hpals already got a fat nerf in pvp.
Mws and discs are on the same tier in solo shuffle as holy paladin and hpal isn’t better than disc in regular arenas.
Mws and dragons are still 2 tiers above hpal in rbg blitz
Liking the Druid and Priest healing buffs.
Ohhh, digging the Frostfire buffs as Fire.
Finally Frostfire buffs for frost too <3
love blizzards inability to look beyond silken court to balance warlock.
nice mockery of Havoc buffing auto attacks and immolation aura damage, completely out of touch with reality, this will change NOTHING AT ALL
havoc is just garbage right now and yet again being overlooked.
Can someone explain how rogue who has all 3 specs sitting in top 6 overall specs.
Managed to get buffs to sub???
And how marks which is the absolute bottom (will be after buffs to everyone below us currently) is being ignored after they ruined the spec in 11.05??
Noting a lack of Demon Hunter changes for PVE at all… Those “changes” for PVP should be a bare minimum for PVE also to at least make the class do a smidge of damage outside of cooldown windows.
Am guessing a major re-work is in the pipeline if there is no tuning.
No DH changes… How am I honestly not surprised…