Class Tuning Incoming – January 24

You’re such a Karen it’s insane. You’re probably grossly incompetent at your job which is why you downtalk people who are actually doing theirs. It’s an MMO, balance changes are going to happen overtime and so is fine tuning of the new tree’s, builds, whatever. Jesus Christ touch some grass.

I bet most of you if not all of you are not even class designers and I doubt you all have all the data to back up your claims.

You don’t have data to back up the claims you defend either.


Blizzard does have internal data of each class and they can see which class does more or less damage. Also, they in fact know the game is out of whack right now and it will take a while for everything to be back to normal. Due to the fact that this game lacked balancing during the borrowed power expansions.

Monk st buffs where

fire aoe needs massive buffs / redesign to be playable in dungeons; it’s only good at single target

frost damage is cool

still need arcane nerfs…


Its not about having data its about how you process it and how you analyze it.
Blizzard class designers are doing their job so bad that its just sad.


Beast cleave still needs like 15% to be close to mm aoe, if they care about dungeon content…


And you think that yourself can do a better job yeah sure I’ll believe it when I actually see it.

Fury changes are decent.
Any changes to it’s setbonus? Gain from it is roughly half of the other classes’/specs

Also Raging Blow was buffed but not Crushing Blow. Does any1 know if it inherits RB damage for CB?

I was hoping they’d make dire hawk and survival tactics baseline =(

Tbf the entire reason for these balance changes is because they got it wrong and the entire purpose of these forums is feedback.


Well, they have made endless mistakes.
We can all make mistakes, we are human just like them. However, they can use the advice or feedback from the community itself to get an idea of how the classes are going, but they rarely do…
Because if it were true that they had data or information to support them…
Take for example the previous expansion, where balance was a joke (not counting the buffs and nerfs in small patches that took a long time).

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Yeah, I do! I also said at that time they need to make sure all tanks are at the fun level of warrior.

So quick with the nerfs, have yet to see a god damn fix for that Combo Point UI bug…


I think this is a welcomed change. Are there any plans to make your PvP set always active in the world? They automatically activate in PvP zones, and the main concern was that the stat bonuses were too high. Now, they are nerfed.

With the 40% nerf to main stats, and 35% increase to stamina, executes will be significantly less potent. Why an additional nerf to bombardment? Coupled with nerfs to harmony, savant, and now bombardment, it just seems so silly.

You don’t come around here often, huh.

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Here’s the thing about feedback they operate as suggestions not based on facts but opinion. Blizzard will look in their internal data to match if the story is true then they will act on it otherwise they won’t and they won’t buff classes when this game is in need of a balancing during this whole expansion.

That thing is super annoying


Shadowlands had so many systems it was a roadblock for them to do anything at that point and that’s the consequence of borrowed power systems.