Class Tuning Incoming – January 24

You think they will change how mages are played when they are continuing on using shadowlands style and not anything pre shadowlands.

It’s been over 230 days since you’ve touched frost dk, they’re one of the worst specs on average in m+ and yet you’ve overhauled druids and monks twice this patch.


In what sense is Rattle or Starweaver a purely AOE target?

I mean one can only hope. There was sizable changes for 10.0.5 and I can understand if they cant do all classes in a side patch.

But hopefully when 10.0.7 comes out (probably April if I were to guess) mages can get some work done.

This is all perfect. Ill take this any day. Do not. PLEASE DO NOT change the balance tree at this point with these changes. WAY too many talents that are locked out that we need to be competitive in pvp.

You are absolutely 100% correct.

If warrior and dk are clearing +22 but no one else is what does logic tell us? That they are balanced for said content with the appropriate gear level.

Then… that means all the other tanks are behind and still have absolutely zero shot at catching up to content they already can’t do well…just because…they nerfed warriors by 3%?? Wtf???

The only thing these guys suck at worse than class balancing is admitting when they made a mistake and fixing it.

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Wait and see how it turns out.

Most if not all classes are shadowlands style they are not changing gameplay. Period.

Hunters Bm and SV are bottom and no buffs ? Why?

Warcraftlogs → Mythic > overall


I mean Druid’s getting alot of changes. So has Priest.

I don’t think its out of the picture for Mages to get a Druid/Priest overhaul in 10.0.7.

jokess on me, rerolled druid cause MW is in a state. although ill say, MW will still be garbage after this patch, and druid will still be better at least.

Can we see some of the previous class nerfs reverted now that this is coming along? Particularly Shadow dot nerfs?

This change hurts dot classes a bit more than the rest, and I think it needs to be addressed before this goes live.

Protection is missing some long awaited/needed buffs.
Please look at our mobility (please get rid of the steed).
Mythic Keys 18+ are unforgiving and one can really feel how squishy the class is at this level. Please consider adjusting. Here are my recommendations:

I’ve said before and will say again: Prot Paladin’s have self-healing talents that were never adjusted for the HP increase, and other talents that just don’t do enough for the cost of a talent point.

Light of the Titans – 2 talent point cost: When a tank has 450k-500k HP, what is 13.5k HP over 15 seconds? This heal does not heal based off missing health either. WOG heals up to 787% of Spell Power, while Light of the titans heals for 105% Att Power per talent point.

Additionally, WOG needs to come back off GCD which will show a marked increase in its use for self sustain and party assist.

Hand of the Protector – just make baseline that all healing is improved based on missing health or buff and adjust the previous talent to 1 point cost and allow us to take this node.

Moment of Glory – Reduce to 1 min CD or increase to 20-25 sec duration.

Bulwark of Order – Adjust to up 60-75% damage absorb per talent point smooth out damage intake.

Tyrs inforcer – why 2 talent?

Maybe consider giving Prot Paladin a Raid/Party utility/CD??

Please connect improved holy shield to hold shield talent

These changes are changes in the talent not gameplay.

Please just change Devastations mastery. You’re never going to be able to balance it. It was horrible design from the start.

Don’t know why it needed a reduction. I have to fight hard to land a DS on classes infinitely more mobile than I.

:milky_way: :blue_square: :milky_way: :blue_square:

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Any responses to all of the bugs that need to be fixed before going live?

When your class starts feeling like that awkward oddball at the party standing in a corner by themselves trying to act like they are enjoying themselves. It would be nice if Blizzard would at least address classes that aren’t getting changes and their reasoning as to why they feel they are in a good place. Then we could at least have a discussion.

Feeling like your concerns are falling on deaf ears is what causes player animosity.


This is a new patch some bugs will be fixed while another will take its place.

This is something I want to highlight, actually.

Yeah, yeah, prot nerfs, it sucks, whatever. As long as tanks in general are strong, and prot isn’t bottom of the barrel, which I don’t believe they will be, I’ll be happy.

What I don’t want is a return to the tanking that existed in Shadowlands and BFA. I actually tanked a lot of M+ in Legion; I basically went DPS-only in the next two expansions because of how bad it was. We weren’t tanks; we were kiters on a lot of trash packs. If I wanted to kite I would have rolled a hunter. (Some of that is due to class balance; I’m sure I could have face-tanked anything I wanted to if I were a Death Knight in SL).