Class Tuning Incoming – January 23

all my fellow ret paladins be rubbin one out to the buffs, i feel it

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I like the part where marks doesn’t get a buff, because either nobody actually looked at marks or the issue runs deep enough to acknowledge that what marks needs is a complete rework to not be an rng dumpster fire.

I’d love to actually have proper defensives. Our damage is in a fine spot for both PvP and PvE, and usually is with the exception of how S1 DF was. If hero talents help with that, hey great, but if we can get something this next season, that’d be even better.

Thanks for nothing again blizzard

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Ya… This looks insane for M+. At +18’s they’re already doing good. Probably put them in the same orbit as Havoc.

And yet specs doing much worse get less to nothing.

Almost like they’re conducting experiments on FOTM spec switching behavior while ignoring subscription canceling behavior.


it’s less AoE than it is ST.

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Everybody is complaining one way or another… Blizzard you do what you do because you’re not going to please everyone. The objective to the game is to use what you have and deal with it and it’s obvious several players can’t deal with the changes.

Every spec that is lower in raid dmg got buffed, what are you on?

Ret and all specs lower than it (except Aug) got buffed.

The AOE buffs, are actually cleave buffs, which ret barely has in the ST build.


most of the classes in the games core rotation is 2-4 buttons…rogues, DH’s warriors, mages, evokers…want me to continue?

I haven’t PVPed since Shadowlands but I think this is lovely. :clap:t5: :clap:t5: :clap:t5:


where’s the buffs to Pres Evoker…literally every healer besides the top two, disc and monk are getting either healing buffs, damage buffs or both. Yet Pres and Dev Evokers have been completely forgotten about since Aug is the only thing that matters nowadays. This sh!t is just utterly disgusting at this point. And Blizzard really doesn’t wonder why they are losing thousands of players everyday when they have some of the worst class/spec devs in the entire world.

Where did I say raid. I said in m+. Was intentionally pretty clear about that.

And they are performing great in M+. And those look to be substantial bumps.

And looking at the chart you linked, where are the bigger buffs for the specs below ret? They weren’t in a great place, but they were far from the worst. They’re actually top 4 for normal raid if you select that from your chart.

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Because they’re very bursty and the average normal raid parse fight is like a minute long?

90th percentile Mythic the worst specs are

Aug, broken hooks
Feral, buffed,
Arms, Buffed,
Uhdk, buffed
Shadow, Buffed
Fdk, Buffed
SV Hunter, Buffed,
Ret, Buffed.

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Show me M+ dmg statistics.

You normal chart is irrelevant, it doesn’t show the potential of the specs. It shows ppl dying and boosting ret.

Every car can get to 80 km/h (normal raid dmg), but not all of them can go over 160 km/h (mythic raid dmg).
Blizzard is adjusting the POTENTIAL of the specs, ret and all lower than it have had buffs, they were on the tail of the dmg meter for mythic raiding.

The only buff that affects ret in AoE is the 20% bump to wake. Overall its barely a 2% dps increase in AoE situations.

Looking at my dmg spread on a random Atal 20, the overall increase is about 5%~ for Wake/BoJ and FV st added to the dungeon.

The most affected will be ST + cleave in raiding, where ret is lacking a lot. M+ isn’t that much of a difference in the end though, but nice to have.

Ret should do better AOE in M+ since ST is lacking in the AOE build… by a lot, so seems fair to me.

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Yeah if you add the ST you do in the dungeon it comes up a decent amount but only because the ST before this was just that bad.

Yeah, that really feels like the build they targeted with these changes.

Thank you Blizzard for telling us you don’t know what you are doing with this update without openly admitting it…

Where to start…

FDK: 4% damage buff…like that makes a huge difference and look at the buffs Ret just got? Not to mention Ret got a re-work. So the bias is real, and the understanding that you can’t fix a class is confirmed.

UhDK: You drop their damage in PvP for what reason? Because they have a 3 minute burst window? Oh…and then you decrease their armor by 30% in PvP as well…And let’s not forget it still falls into the, “where is the class rework?” category…

BDK: Thanks for a 10% Bone Shield buff? But the issue is not the strength of it, it is how we acquire it…Oh and guess what? Same thing, still waiting on the rework… How about you remove the stand in the circle requirements for this class already…

For the PvP changes:

Since when does CLOTH become STRONGER than Plate? Isn’t the reason for the Plate classes to be able to take as much damage as possible? Or do armor types just not matter in the sense of logic within the game now? I am sorry, but Warlock + 35% increase = broken. Oh let’s not forget the Priests Shields + 35% increase as well, to make the heals live longer.

If you are being told to post this kind of non-sense changes, then bring some kind of reasoning for each of them. Give us the logic that was used(or not in this case) so we can understand why things are going in this direction.

Nothing against Kaivax for being the messenger, but Blizzard needs to do better, and by that I mean sharing information with reasoning and giving more outlooks otherwise you are going to consistently have people pissed after every tuning that happens when they wonder “WTF happened to my class”.

/end rant

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Blizzard very rarely balances stuff for M+. They let a god comp dictate a majority of a season and completely ignore specs like Affliction.