Class Tuning Incoming – December 5

mage buffs ;D?


I’d like to protest the mana nerf to mana tea, mw was, is, and will still be strong. I just hate how mana tea is going to be fighting a much larger opportunity cost and be much less fun overall due to its weakened mana reduction.

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Blizzard remember monk by only 6% of the time!

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Its about a 3-4% nerf in ST

I see they finally nerfed Demon Hunters, but didn’t give Warriors the equivalent in buffs just to spite them…

Please explain why you broke the 30 second synergy between thunder focus tea and upwelling for no reason, instead of just nerfing essence font more.

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Just stop.

Nerfing classes and buffing classes has the same relative effect of improving class balance without necessitating also buffing the content to maintain the desired difficulty.

There is never, ever, EVER a world where nerfs aren’t a mandatory part of the balancing process.

Blizzard is responsible for balance. They are not responsible for your lack of common sense.


The class tuning posts should have comments disabled its the same type of comments every post.

Yes BM was grossly OP, the nerf was needed
Same with demon hunter
Mistweaver monk and disc priest are insanely broken


The hunter nerfs are only 4% ST

I’m fine with the MW nerfs, but surprised you left off resto Druid.

There are exactly 3 MW in the top 100 keys and for keys over +20 quite behind resto Druid rep.

Nerf’s always feel bad, but this is not that big of a deal. People are overreacting.


In Mythic+ ONLY, I don’t raid enough to know that

Havoc DH

~0.72% nerf

~1.32% nerf

0% nerf if you don’t run currently run it or ~1.28% nerf if you do (people will probably just not run it)

Resto Druid

Looking at dps only (which is not the only factor for healers obviously)

~2.23% nerf

~3.26% nerf

~1.21% nerf

~0.77% nerf

They are still probably the best spells to use (unless the target count is very high where starfire might take 1 or 2 less targets to become optimal)

Holy Priest

~5.92% buff. There are a lot of great holy builds right now but we’ll assume Burning Vehemence is used (otherwise 0% buff).

Resto Shaman

~3.81% buff, maybe more depending on how much it sees play at 2 targets (you can calculate this yourself using your crit)

~3.39% buff


Hello my favourite mathematician, could you do it for hpal CS and HoW too? :innocent:

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give mages a thing!

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Sure! Only in Mythic+ though is that ok? I imagine it will be better in raid. Another thing to note is people might use the spells more frequently because of the mana cost reduction which may result in even more of a buff.

Holy Paladin

~0.42% buff, more if people use this more frequently

~1.17% buff (same note as above)

So it doesn’t seem like a huge buff (except mainly against ST fights or bosses) but maybe holy paladins aren’t using these spells too much now because of the mana cost. Although the three M+ logs I averaged seem to have really good mana management.


I just find it odd that they buff resto druid 5% when they are already the arguably strongest mythic+healer then toss priest a double dip nerf by the healing aura then damage, which is also healing. I’m just salty though, I was excited to play priest again cause disc was shaping up strong, but I guess fun detected.

Now will there be raid nerfs also?

This tuning pass, resto druid only got nerfs, but only damage nerfs.

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Yeah, I meant last week, when they were already in the top keys run.

Overreacting? Probably. But my money is on, 2h users buffed, agil users nerfed. Just in time for that sweet leggo axe to drop. We prepping to re-live shadowmourne all over again.

Filling my warrior’s vault as we speak.