Class Tuning in Progress -- Dec. 15

Sin is fundamentally broken, a 5% patch isn’t a fix

Give us 3 points for a garrote out of stealth and make vigor baseline because we no longer have shrouded suffocation and memory of lucid dreams


Seriously Blizzard, nothing for Frost Mages? You’ll just leave them in the gutter?


I’m truly floored. I’ve been telling people over on the warrior forums to stop freaking out about damage and tuning until mythic week because that’s when it gets really locked in. I honestly had some good faith the dev team would come through in the end, because I trusted that they had the data and knew what they were doing, they were just doing it their own way in their time. Man, I was wrong. The abysmal performance of warriors in the new raid, in particular Fury warriors who are just horribly undertuned in all content, and 5% is what you come up with? I mean, was there even math involved? It feels like you just picked a couple low specs and threw 5% at them in hopes it made people less upset.


The “Oh I got stunned and I am dead 2 seconds later” meta?


It’s only 4% on anything that that matters. Inconsequential really.

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Mages are hurting atm for rapids, specifically frost


Well 14% on healing rain when it’s second or third heal is a bit more impactful, but yeah… resto shamans are getting off lighter than expected if this is the final tuning pass.

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Pop defensives.

Either way anything is more fun than Mage/Lock pillaring until 80% dampening.


Demonology is like bullsh*t, why don’t guys look at it just a little bit? I beg you!


I see that frost mage was left in the Oblivion.
Anyone would think they’d go back with the pre-patch nerfs.


As usual, trash changes and unneeded changes to fun clases, time to uninstal this game, seems the dev didnt even play atention to the player base.


WHAT ABOUT AFFLICTION LOCKS? Jesus Christ all I want to be able to do is PVP with the lock class and provide some form of damage.

Nah y’all are worried about BUFFING ROGUES.

Pisses me off.


Please just… buff both Frost mages and Frost DKs. Please.


Can’t have us being competitive.

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Fury 5% is aimless, I would rather see a mastery effectiveness buff as it’s something that is undertuned for what requires so much haste and luck for 100% uptime. (In comparison to other classes with passive mastery)

Additionally Warrior’s Maldraxxus Covenant is so bad it hurts, they were almost completely ignored in the covenant reworks in beta and even now it’s a terrible, limited cooldown that suffers from GCD and a three minute cooldown. Please just give the conqueror’s banner like %increased rage generation as a passive when warrior goes maldraxxus.


nobody likes dying instantly .

I would stop leveling that rogue up they will be nerfed no doubt!

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Why is it so illegal for a DK to be top DPS for once in a while? like hunters and spriest are still gonna do super well, so where are the nerfs for them? Why does blizzard bend over for hunters all the time?


That Rogue is a forum avatar lol. I play Surv and Ele.

Btw RPS is the best comp in the game atm if you knew how to use it.

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Most played class, I believe. That’s why. They’re too popular to be bad.


So much for those people celebrating DH nerf. They just got a buff. hahahahah