Class Tuning -- August 22nd

Not the arms changes i was hoping to see, execute desperately needs a buff


Im shocked by this tuning being so horrendous. DK is doing insane damage and they get a 4%, DH buff, Monk WW untouched but RSK and fist is doing insane damage, frost mage ray of frost untouched, disc kinda got nerfed - the worst performing healer spec, chaos bolt got buffed yet my team gets one tapped by after they finally get to setup while kiting and living. I could go on but i wont, insane changes. THERE WAS SOME GOOD but mostly bad man.


we’re safe baby





Yay as in they need more or youre worried they will be an oppressive healer? Because currently they are the worst of the healer classes and need tons of work to be better.

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“oops, Warriors aren’t S-tier this season, better correct that” ~Devs


bit shocking mage didnt get touched except some fire dmg

i guess they only noticed that fire can sit 100k dps if untouched with mastery build

This isn’t making arms s tier lol


Lol, did you read something different than I did?


All they ever do with hunter is buff damage :roll_eyes:



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I know. I’ve been playing Disc.

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Dh can no longer be kicked on eye beam?

And we got some demo buffs boys!


The arms changes are fried.

How is execute still not being buffed? How is anything being nerfed???


i think arms execute hits less than spriest executes which says a lot cause sp execute is v bad lol

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Augmentation changes going in the wrong direction IMO. Its personal damage should have been lowered without any ally buff compensation, but also without its healing being nerfed. The entire point of it is supposed to be that it’s a supportive, buffer spec. By its nature it should have a relatively poor performance in the hands of average players, but scale well with player knowledge of allied damage patterns. Lowering its damage would already hurt its sustain, as lower overall outgoing pressure generally translates into increased incoming pressure.

These changes are going to push Aug even more into buffzug, and even more more into being Premium Devastation. With the way we’re heading, by the next tuning pass Ebon Might will be the equivalent of a firm pat on the back for allies while being a greater personal damage buff than Dragonrage is for a devoker with a full mastery set. Except it will be on a 30 second CD and it will be followed by burst that includes a native CC. Devastation will outstrip it in overall personal damage still, but Augmentation already has nutty personal burst, and it’s getting buffed.

Warrior changes seem odd. I don’t think they’re doing as poorly as warriors think they’re doing, but I did expect arms to get a straight buff rather than a shifting of damage.

I am confused as to why hunters are getting damage buffs.

I am equally confused by WW not getting damage nerfs.

I am saddened by what appears to be the end of Mass Invis granting a full cast while invisible.

I am become an entire question mark in response to demon hunters not being kickable on Eye Beam.

I wonder if this is supposed to mean that these are the tuning adjustments they will soon be making, or if there are further tuning adjustments we can expect also in the nearish future.

I HAD NO IDEA UNTIL YOU SAID SOMETHING, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME. Its a PVE buff too man, so DHs were upset that a boss or mob did an AOE silence/kick and it messed up their eye beam. IM SO DONE WITH THIS LMAO IM GOING INSANE


No Mage nerfs
No WW nerfs

mediocre arms buff

Are you sure you’re listening to your player base???

INB4, I am a main warrior, a main hunter and a main DH…

MM doesn’t need more buffs and yet, you are buffing RF… On the arena forums no one is asking for MM buffs…

what’s there, you can check, are topics like:

Nerf WW
Nerf Mages
Buff Arms

Other classes here and there, but the main are these three classes.


About Arms:

Now that I’ve read it better tbh I don’t even think these are buffs it’s a huge nerf

Gosh… Im going to say it again: Are you really listening to your player-base??? i don’t think so…

Class Tuning Incoming – August 22 - #27 by Vyndronor-illidan


ATM best execute in the game is probably arcane mage.

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