Class Tuning and PvP Adjustments Coming in 9.2.5

I sure hope not, BM is by far the least fun hunter spec.


Please balance tank damage as well, i’m sure you know who’s the outlier.


So where are the AoE buffs to classes (feral, shadow) who fall behind on AoE pulls in dungeons but have good single target?


so does this mean we will not fight with pets in open world now?


Havoc DH aoe and useless 4pc tier set still ignored. Wooooo.

Serious question if anyone from Blizz is reading, How do you decide which classes need buffs and which don’t? Because it kind of looks like you just look at the statistics page on Warcraft logs for the raid and start buffing from the bottom while ignoring other parts of the game. Such as havoc dh lack of aoe, specifically in dungeons. Maybe it’s just me but doing tank level aoe damage when meta is on cd feels just bad. And when meta is available, depending on how long the pack lasts, you do slightly more than tank damage.

Right now the spec is just single target damage, and even then it’s not amazing at that. Meanwhile windwalker monks are amazing at aoe, weak on single target and you feel that that needs to be corrected so they can be good at both while leaving dh without the needed aoe. Other than ww, all the specs you’re buffing have other playable dps specs that are strong. Maybe try focusing on the specs that don’t have other dps specs to swap to?

Honestly, having all of havoc’s damage tied to the stupid venthyr covenant dot is really bad design and you guys should really try playing the spec sometime to test it out and see just how bad it feels.

And no, buffing the classes that do the actual damage by 5% with chaos brand and being a CC bot does not make up for doing tank damage.


imo aim shot is the most boring spec


Ctrl+F “Holy” not found.

Hpriests have a couple more months to wipe the floor!


tanks should not be doing dps-level dps. bring back TBC tanking.


Some great changes. Like many other im curious about the low vs high performers though. Blood Dk still dominating damage meanwhile DH is bottom of the barrel. Are you jhust afraid of pissing the streamers off again? Since they seem to dictate what is and isnt fun for the rest of your players?


Please Just uncap Outlaw already so we can actually have fun.


Nice buffs for Outlaw but the AOE damage will still be crap.
Blade Flurry’s AOE cap needs to be gone.
Give the Outlaw at least 10% single target damage to every target when there are more than 6 targets.
(For example: 60% single target damage to 2-6th target and 10% single target damage to 7-12th target)


Wow. You actually know how to do tuning? Colour me shocked.

This tuning, however, is pitiful. Do better.

For a company and game of this size, this kind of tuning no longer jives. You should be more aggressively tuning things throughout the season. Destruction warlocks should not be 100% better than everyone else the entire tier. This is bad design.

And stop doing weird freaking tuning to outlaw. Uncap the damn spec or delete it. Right now it has no place.


holy priest could have used an adjustment in pvp


You know, I’m going to sound like Ragemode, but…

Why are you doing such a significant buff to Windwalker and Outlaw (the latter 100000% needed it), but you only give a 4% buff to Beast Mastery, when they’re the lowest dps spec of any class/spec by far? And no buffs to Feral, who has a similar situation as Windwalker, but for the opposite? (Single Target vs AoE)

Also, why have you not buffed the Havoc 4p? It’s borderline useless. A fight has to last a specific amount of time for you to get any benefit from it, which is ridiculous.

Lolno. Beast Mastery was the top hunter spec and in the top 5 of all specs for like 3 expacs, it won’t kill you if you’re the lowest hunter spec for one patch.


Nothing for Balance Druid again? What on earth do they look at to determine what changes to make?


Ask Arms warriors how awful their 4pcs are and you’ll redefine your meaning of “borderline useless”.


Aff needs a rework. It won’t get buffs because to give it single target damage would break it on council fights.

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Havoc 4p:

+6 Seconds to Meta. Does NOT affect Demonic. Every 60 Fury you spend takes 1 second off Meta’s CD.

You save maybe 30-40 seconds max on the cooldown. Which means unless the fight takes exactly in the time frame where you would get an extra meta off, it’s useless. (And very few fights will do that)

Arms 4p at least gives you a significant amount of uptime on a straight 2-8% strength bonus.

Havoc is by far the worst set bonus for dps. Lol.


BM is a single target spec. It’s not going to have insane aoe.

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BM 4 piece says hello?