Class Tuning and PvP Adjustments Coming in 9.2.5

I’m so completely confused by most of these “balance” notes. Some are good, but so many that are SO much worse are left off? I don’t get it. Maybe those classes will be fixed soon? Such a weird list of changes.

blizzard can’t fix classes because they don’t play their own game. ever notice how it’s always the same classes that receive tuning fixes that actually have any meaningful impact? the amount of fixes, buffs, and very MINOR nerfs to their power is ridiculous. Monk has seen multiple hotfixes to work on their ST over the past two tiers, Survival saw a nerf that didn’t even touch them, Warriors see love, mages see love, then you have everyone else that just sits there hoping one day their class will be brought into line with classes performing well.

favoritism, bias, and complete lack of understanding of all classes is what we have. Dev team completely out of touch at this point. You either jump on the meta hype train or be left in the dust


Windwalker monk. It’s the only DPS spec monks have so that’s probably why it gets a good amount of attention compared to an affliction lock who can respec to destruction if they need to.

I don’t agree with the logic but that’s what the reasoning is.

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i don’t discount the buff to monk ST. What i’m discounting is the fact they dominate melee AoE already, and this buff not only targets their boss damage, but effectively makes them a roundhouse of utility and damage. why bring any other melee at this point? they effectively just solidified the meta in keys.

instead of targetting classes like they said they were doing in the BM hunter post for AoE outliers and trying to bring them up, they didn’t even touch those classes at all. a 4% buff did literally pennies for BM’s AoE. the problem is in their tier, havocs problem is in their only damage coming from a dot that only spreads with a 4 minute CD and their 4pc doing nothing at all. Don’t even get my started on Spriest, we’ve had mages effectively gimped…blizzard is literally just blatantly holding tier favorites here.


Windwalker is high skill and the average player isn’t going to notice a meta shift in keys.

pressing SPK is not high skill

Why does this apply to monks but not paladins :frowning:

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I don’t know the numbers in raid but perhaps paladins are performing better than windwalkers right now.


Because we want blue post to explain why classes are being left out of tuning passes when they clearly need them


In raids I guess it’s close - WW is super strong at one aspect (AOE) and super weak at another (ST), vs Ret is mediocre / below average at everything.

In mythic keystones it isn’t even remotely close, WW is near the top and Ret is down at the very bottom yet completely ignored in balance tuning passes

From what I’ve heard, Blizz doesn’t balance around mythic+ that much. Idk why considering it’s pretty popular content.

Maybe dragonflight will have good ret changes

I want to say you’re crazy and of course they balance around the most popular PVE activity… but yeah maybe you’re right that would explain why the m+ balance is so awful

They did say they didn’t want tanks holding threat with AoE. So whatever their vision is for Mythic+ it’s apparent that the playerbase and especially MDI’s haven’t been representing that. Seems like they’re changing their tune a bit with these threat buffs for tanks so it could possibly mean that specs will get AoE tuning in dragonflight

Why blizard hates dhs?
we just bufed one time in 9.1 our single target two skills in 10% and our aoe damage sucks.
our tier 4set it does not contribute anything, while other classes the set increases their dps or gives them benefits. ours set only reduces a cd from 4 min to 3:30, in raid boos fights usually i use meta 2 time with out set but with set o surprise still use meta two times(big utility). its a copy paste on legendary on legion the diference with legion reduce 1s every 30 fury spend now is 1 seg every 60 fury. (
the main reason we are invited in keys is because we buff casters because all ppl thinks dhs sucks.


I could say WW are fine too, but they got like a 12% ST buff

WW should not have been buffed while their AOE remains so brokenly OP, and other classes with similar poor ST and AOE are left unchanged.


Yay Shadow got buffed

Arcane still needs more…

Mythic+ will always be like this because the entire system only cares about 1 damage profile (burst aoe).

If it’s not burst aoe it’s trash in mythic +.

Unlike raids which had varying important damage profiles for diversity

Balancing around this single damage profile, and for an infinite scaling system where are 36 specs are fine for WAY past where the rewards stop, is probably a level of homogenization Blizz is never going to want to do.

Making a core proc to Arcane dispellable defeats the purpose of Arcane. So much rests on Clearcasting like moving and extra missiles. So I don’t know why you guys are even considering breaking classes, especially with the new talent system coming in the next Expansion. I get this is “testing” things out but how do you really know what to do when you don’t even have enough data with the new talen system up. LMAO.

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