It is definitely a chore. Feels really bad as a capstone, I want to be excited to grab capstone talents and have to make interesting choices between them. Right now, ZP is mostly dead for every spec because dusk/dawn+seal is too strong in comparison, dusk/dawn is not well liked at all, just sucks.
Class tree really needs some life breathed into it. It’s very bland, but also has talents a lot of players just don’t like playing with. It isn’t really fun to path in the class tree and in comparison to others it is really small too.
The class tree needs talents that add more spec variation for example Zealot’s Paragon also adds
-Holy: HoW heal 1 target or makes Judgement give a HP
-Ret: maybe has consecration follow you or HoW makes your next HP spender/HP generator 100% crit(internal cd maybe)
-Prot: (Idk I don’t play)
Plus I don’t like all the talents that have a chance to do something/maintain like Dusk and Dawn, Incandescence/Touch of Light, Seal of Clarity( I think is fine especially if D&D is gone but be better if it was controlled and maybe cost 1 point), and Aspiration of Divinity.
Our movement needing 3 talents points is stupid, Seal of Mercy needs to be 1 point or be baked into Golden Path, and Seal of Clarity changed to 1 point
Just general placement of talents seem odd. I think % talents are fine in talent trees just don’t have a lot, make sure there in a good spot, and don’t have terrible ones(10% consecration is bad and mastery in wings % like wtf).
Ret rework just announced to be in progress for the .7 patch which is an impressive sight for blizz given how unwilling they usually are to do large changes mid expansion. If they can update ret, hope springs eternal they can fix the general trees too.
It’s pinned on the front page of the paladin forums
Definitely really hopeful about general tree changes and even other spec changes.
Their philosophy on reworks not happening until next expac is changing and that is so good for the game especially when we have 2 in between patches before the next big patch (10.1).
They also posted it in here (I know I know where else would they post it) so maybe they are reading in here. Gives me a bit of hope for sure.
General tree absolutely needs a rework too for all of the reasons listed in this thread.
Bumping this.
With the ret rework coming up, it would be really nice to also see some changes to the general tree. Ret is not the only spec that needs some more mobility either (holy needs help).
Talents like of dusk and dawn+seal of order, touch of light/incandescence, 1 second divine steed, obduracy, seal of alacrity/seal of might, seal of the crusader, improved blessing of protection, etc are all talents that are either really boring and/or weak, contribute nothing to the class or have little to do with the overall paladin class. Dusk and dawn is just frustrating mainly for holy and really needs to be removed from the class tree.
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I like how you keep bumping this. I think it’s crazy that the class tree is in such poor shape that it feels like I have 5 or more talent points that I have no idea what to really do with because everything is just so awful. I put two points into the 4% haste as caster because it’s just such a miserable tree.
They have to do something to the general tree if they’re “reworking” ret…right?
Not sure why I am still able to post on my human paladin considering that character is now this one lol.
But yeah, I’d definitely hope that the ret rework also includes a general tree rework so they can fix mobility and utility in there. They did mention they wanted to give paladins more utility overall, so I’d assume that would come in the form of a general tree rework or something.
That isn’t confirmed though but I really do hope that happens.
Yeah, that’s basically why I continue to bump it.
If it were just a few talents then I wouldn’t be bothered by it too much, but it’s basically the entire tree.
I never feel like I’m making any meaningful choices. I never feel like I have to choose between X cool talent or Y cool talent in the same choice node. Only one I feel this way about is the recompense/short sac node, that is literally the only thing I enjoy taking.
Everything else is a small stat increase or boring passive talent that does very little. Then I get to the capstones where we have Of dusk and dawn+seal of order that I despise playing with but have to take anyway because it is extremely strong. The tree is just in a really bad place
Bumping this, it seems maybe they are looking into the class tree a bit.
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