Class fantasy over spec fantasy isn't a good thing and heres why

I was trying to forget it exists… Thanks.

And you shouldn’t, as I said… but people feeling differently than you do is ok. :slight_smile: For all of BfAs faults, and there were quite a few, for me it was still worth the purchase price. I don’t look at WoW as some sort of lifetime investment, I compare it to entertainment of equal price. Whether I spend 60 bucks on a console game for 40-60 hours of gameplay or 60 bucks on a WoW expansion for 40-60 hours of gameplay… it is still 60 hours. So far, even with the expansions I have hated, I have gotten well over what I would have gotten for equitable cost from another game.

totally agree!

This comment right here sums up my problems about class fantasy forcing in shadowlands!

I do, Demon Hunter…

I do…

only purpose to sell fel cookies or buff and heal group again? totally going to retire me alts when it happens

And here I wish my shield was all purpley when in shadow. It just looks weird to have golden sparkles when the rest of the spec is all about tentacles and madness.

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Also kinda sad how you think these same people are still around. The people who feel the same as you are practically gone if not barley still holding on to the game.

still using talent tree we have now, no old talent tree lol

I can’t say it’ll be better or worse come Shadowlands, yet. I’ll have to wait and see how they play like. :thinking:

Well only Troll priest have true shadow bubble as priest racial

Ok, i am not an old time player or anything, but i have some thoughts about the whole subject.

Class identity is cool. A paladin should feel like a paladin, a warlock like a warlock, and a mage is a mage, and i think that is the idea of unpruning.

But there are certain class fantasy or playstyles, that at least on paper, are very specific to certain specs, and not that class overall.

Outlaw Rogue, it is very cut and dry the Pirate fantasy, which is very different in theme towards the other 2 specs, i could see a pirate using poisons in their weapons, but stealth isn’t really a thing, even though it is a thing that is prevalent in the class as well.

I think Shadow and Holy priest are also two different fantasies in general, and overlapping abilities don’t mix up very well, but at the same time, i see how gameplay wise some abilities are fundamental for both specs having.

Hunter is the only class in the game focused on ranged weapons, if you want the “ranger” or “sniper” type of character that goes solo and use long range weapons, you have a spec that is about not having pets, which is cool, and i feel that someone would get mad if suddenly that spec became about having pets to fight alongside you.

I think there is a fine balance to be made here, i think certain specs fill the need of certain classes that don’t exist or certain archetypes of character that don’t exist, but also some classes are very defined by their class.

My main character is a warrior, an arms warrior, and i feel that is a different fantasy of a fury warrior, one feels like a specialist, using power and technique, while the other is a Barbarian. But roleplay elements are just one factor, gameplay aspects, tools and balance is very important, so in general, i think that having every class having a strong identity while also giving their specs identity of their own is important.

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Didn’t Flamestrike slows enemy down when it gets proc with free instant cast? why got for casting frostbolt over instant cast aoe?

PS: yes i know post is old already, but it is pretty relevent

This post sums up that class fantasy is important, but Spec fantasy helps defines aspects of each fantasy of warrior and helps give it more flavor

because frostbolt is not proc dependent and far more efficient.

flamestrike is castable too and plus no fire spell immunities! :smiley:

Yes, but think about this. A new Expansion every 6 months? :money_mouth_face:

I sure do love swapping between specs and having a green basic attack and finisher, a pirate basic a attack and finisher, and a purple basic attack and finisher.