Class Fantasy for Balance Druid

What is it suppose to be?

I am trying out this spec in Remix (play feral in normal WoW) and expected nature spells (and created a character based on that) but they are pretty much all Astral (sun/moon/stars) spells.

I suppose it could work for a Night Elf Druid playing as Priestess of Elune but I am a Troll.

So does anyone know what is the overall class fantasy for this spec suppose to be?

I think the astral spells are the ‘natural’ arcane magic. Trolls hear the call of the emerald dream or whatever, therefore having a connection with nature… the natural arcane?

:cold_sweat: i don’t know this seems shaky logics

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The OG fantasy for it is just a fat bird that is perpetually out of mana.


Space chicken with sun spells to fry the chicken and moon spells to freeze it for later


At this point… I don’t even know anymore. Blizz can’t decide either. Because now we’re relegated to either more stars or relying on trees.

If you’re a Zandalari, there are the Lun’alai.


It has basically turned into Priestess of Elune, but as a chicken. Great if you’re a night elf, not so great for everyone else.


This is my guess:

Druids don’t rely only on Elune. They rely on the Wild Gods. Gods, with an “S”, there is more than one of them. Some Druids dedicate a path to maybe one or two and get provided an arsenal of abilities.

But honestly, I’m not one for getting behind the religion aspects of this game.

Its now based on astral magics, moon, stars, and the sun. They took away the nature flavour many years ago. Infact, it has more in common with Elune and priestesses than Cenarius and druidism. I don’t like the flavour of the spec. It doesn’t feel ‘druidy.’

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I believe it’s all tied to Elune and An’she. It’s all about sun, moon, stars.

It probably doesn’t fit the traditional idea of a Druid, but Elune is almost certainly tied to the Realm of Life…which ties it to nature. It’s just a Warcraft twist on the idea.