Class design is why people are leaving

people said wod was bad but it had god class leat people are waking up to how bad bfa is amd saying its much worse then wod.


This can’t be stressed enough. No matter how lackluster actual content is, if class design is strong people will play. Classes are the vehicle through which we experience every aspect of the game, when classes are bad everything else becomes bad. Right now, content is lackluster and most classes feel like trash. It’s a very bad combination.


Pretty much. Great class design increases replayability which is very important in an MMO where the goal is to have players subbed as long as possible.


This. I feel like people look at Legion class design with rose-tinted glasses because Artifacts filled in the majority of the holes when that shouldn’t have been the case in the first place. Without artifact weapons Legion’s class design would have been just as abysmal as BFA’s class design and that really speaks to the state of the game’s design as a whole.


Legion class design was revamped dramatically from WoD so people had time to relearn their classes and work on their unique artifacts.

The class design wasn’t great but it was new so it took a bit longer to get stale.

As much as I hate to think it and as much as blizz denies it, class design is heading to passives, with 2-3 skill buttons to push. How else do you get this game on a console and eventually on your cell phone?

/puts arm around you, “you do have a cell phone dont you?”

It’s also not necessarily how many abilities we have, or don’t, but how engaging the ones we do have are.

My DH is dreadfully boring because of how simple and shallow all of her abilities are.

Really needs some added depth and secondary effects on things.

Though I’ve always been in the camp of more, just for the RPG aspect, I agree

Could you imagine if your skills had a skill tree or something where you could not only level your skills, but also have some choice as to what they do, making your skills more powerful. Higher skill levels would have better, cooler visuals… this concept has a lot of potential and would go a long way with how one would feel about their character with out expanding to more skills (at least combat skills)

Unfortunately this wasn’t Ion’s idea and it isn’t on a spreadsheet so you will never see anything like this

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It’s definitely one of the reasons.

It isn’t the only one but it is a good one.

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I miss having a ton of abilities on my bars even when I didn’t ever use them. Also I miss the glyph that used to reset the duration of your slice and dice + recuperate. RIP RECUPERATE.

I miss it :frowning:


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i can only mention why i got bored so quickly this expansion. just returned after stopping for a couple of months.

for me, its the artifact power. i like to focus on one toon as a main but play around with my alts and at least gear them up in lfr gear if not pug some normals. but artifact power forces me to focus hundreds of hours on alts, which i am both unwilling to do and not capable of doing without turning wow into a full time job.

let me enjoy getting gear on my alts, please and thank you, and i may stick with this as my main game again.

as for class design itself, not quite as bad as it has been in the past is all i can say atm.

oh, and i still stay sub’d when i leave. i know i’ll come back and play a bit, but i’m not getting fully into the game until i can play it like i’ve played it since the beginning. well, since bc/wotlk, i only had one toon in vanilla.

I guess I am likely in a minority but I left because of pathfinder. I reached my goal of completing part 1 and have no intention of coming back until part 2 is out. Then I will unlock the allied races and level new characters. That’s what I do, is level.

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Pathfinder drives me nuts to begin with, but its twice as bad when you are able to finally fly, they introduce a new, non-flying zone with it as they did in Legion.

The only way I think they could make not being able to fly any worse or pour more salt into an already open and festering wound would be to put a flying store mount on the game shop, before flying was possible in the current expansion.

There is NO way they would go that low

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The artifact system and gearing up makes you not want to play alts. If class design was better, we’d play classes because we enjoy them and not to chase the carrot on a stick.

Ya man. I leave the game every month too. After taking a break for a day or so I start missing wsg and come back.

I agree with everything you said completely. For me personally I’ve been hoping since WoD that Blizzard will finally listen and everything will get better but it continues to get worst. I can barely play the game now. I was really struggling in the first couple of months of BFA and at that point it felt worst then the last few months of Legion and to think at that point we’re only in the first season of BFA! Very few of my friends play wow now. Quite a few had come back for BFA but most only last 2 weeks or a month at most and then they leave again. It’s so sad to see the game like this. It really feels like BFA has killed wow and Ion’s Q&A does nothing to help it either because every time he does one it really highlights how out of touch he is with the player base.

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Pathfinder is the least of our troubles and the reason why is that although its a s dry and stale bread, it does provide one mindless thing to do when you have done all your other little chores in game. I fought doing it back in MOP? was it when it first came out, and missed getting flying on that expansion but in legion I decided to grind it out. The questing and rep grind wasn’t fun but like I say it provided an hour of stuff to do a day

Bring back deep freeze for all three mage specs. Shatter combos were great.

The sad thing is I didn’t even list everything I thought was wrong. what I listed was some of the major things that immediately came to mind at the moment

It should be eye opening for the Devs when there is a chorus of players screaming about the same exact things I listed.

Unfortunately you can’t post spreadsheets, charts and graphs. Even if you could, Ion doesnt believe players are qualified to know what would be fun in this game so I only expect things to get worse and for the game to eventually fall apart