Class Changes 2/25

Sounds about right. I mean…it worked with traits no?

Take all of the class issues, and then nerf the traits. Fixed. Now all classes are exactly where they were before, but just less damage and we can avoid having to ACTUALLY address issues with classes and abilities.

This. I think Ret will naturally be better into the meta changes on Tuesday since mage/lock tankiness is our biggest challenge against the comps they run. With them being punishable for bad play I think wins will be more consistent, except maybe against RMPal because of BoP/Sac.

DK was also a pretty easy win prior to the 8.1 death strike buffs. I look forward to smashing the mongo DK’s who pop defensives for no reason.


Too little… too late.

It pains me that you don’t realize the vast majority of your damage isn’t affected by armor.

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You know… I play arms / Ret and my partner’s damage is almost entirely physical damage. Granted the bleeds will negate armor, but a lot of the other damage won’t. The primary source of generating holy power for Ret also comes from Blade of Justice which is physical, and with downtime / no procs a few hits of Crusader Strike. While it may not be a substantional portion of my damage (since TV is so heavily our main damage) those two moves being 40% stronger against a lock adds up, especially when I’ve had matches where the lock barely squeezes by with 1-3% life only to be topped off to full.

Another thing to note is my other main comp is Fury / BM KFC, where all of our damage is physical damage. I look forward to let my pets eat more Destro locks while I make them miserable ducking in and out of LOS :joy:




You don’t understand how armor scaling works either.

If you think the difference between 150% armor increase and 90% is 40% increased physical damage I regret to inform you you’re wrong. It’s about 6%…

People don’t realize that 6% dmg is quite a bit in arena.

Hmm… Maybe Blizzard should just completely remove demon armor since it matters so little…

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Or at least the armor bonus huh

Or you just have no idea what diminishing returns are.

6% armor nerf is pretty big imo, especially considering how often I see locks squeeze by at 10% hp before recovering. It may also depend on how well Warlocks scale with stats at max gear, since they’ll accumulate more mastery and potentially versatility.

I think RMX in general though won this round of nerfs, they’ll be able to capitalize more on the DK/Lock nerfs. EU side has had Frost RMP as the #1 ladder team as well and Frost is getting 5% buffed in all abilities. They really need to add some form of Rogue/MW nerfs, imo.

Armor nerfs do nothing for RMX unless the rogue is sub.

Assassination isn’t all nature damage, but maybe you’re right and the amount is insubstantial. I think the trinkets they use though is physical, like the bike/spine one. Sub RMP is kinda gaining popularity already too, as well.

Yeah it’s literally only auto attack and mutilate that are physical. Being able to damage off shield and possibly purge combust easier is a bigger win.

Tbh it’s not the armor from DA that makes the lock tanky, it’s the stamina. Ever since they made coil, soul leech, and heathstone all % base it also made lock defensive scale very well with higher hp. They could have just increased all lock hp by 15% ( instead of 10% + DA for afflic/destro) and it would have been fine. Not saying the armor increase does nothing, it does lower auto attack damage a little bit and some other attacks. But the main thing is the hp increase.

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The armor from DA puts the lock in between leather and mail armor. If armor mattered that much enh shamans should be just as tanky as locks.

Just curious what’s your armor damage reduction at with DA right now?

I’m jk really. We all know that destros mastery is the real problem

It’s prob around 46%. I think after the DA nerfs most Warlock’s will lose roughly ~6% armor. For comparison, on my Shaman I have 59% damage reduction.