Chromie Appreciation Thread

Didnt answer my question. Therefore you probably will continue to bump my thread.

Chromies quotes:

Everyone calls me Chromie, but my real name is Chronormu. Huh? No, it is not a male name. You clearly don’t understand the intricacies of dragon culture.

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Unsurprisngly combative post from you. But thankfully the lead narrative designer already tweeted and confirmed that chromie is trans.

You guys really like to involve the issues of real life like social constructs into fantasy races, as mentioned by Chromie “You clearly don’t understand the intricacies of dragon culture.” because they just don’t care! , For Dragons there’s not trans, it’s like calling Clownfish trans because that kind of fish can change gender or some types of frogs for them its just Nature and that’s it, that’s why the game only focus against the conflicts, cosmology and we don’t need some kind of game of thrones romances plotlines between races, genders…etc

I don’t know how valid calling throwing on an illusion of the opposite gender is to transgenderism seems like they just slapped on trans to the character for points. Just nit picking seems more akin to dragon drag but sure. XD

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Cuz we know Pelagos is trans as they permanently became the gender they seen themselves as. Where as far as I know Chromie is only female in gnome guise which is a chosen form and male when a dragon. So it would be more akin to cosplay or drag rather then Pelagos full transitioning.

Of course I’m not 100% sure what does and does not count as I’m not trans it just seems different.

I hate her.

Its their fault we got shadowlanded.

they knew the stream. and let it happen. they…had us learn what a pelagos is. and hooked up thrall with his mom. I kill physical demons. I don’t do family counseling. I don’t kill psychological demons. I leave that to trained professionals.

Can we even call trans a fantasy race and after life form? This could be just like any species that change sex for a specific function and some animals have more that 2 sex, just because a game provides humanoid forms, it doesn’t mean that those races face the same issues like homophobia, insecurities…etc the game is based on the war, discover of the world aspect and not too much on the social aspect which can lead to genders, maybe Night elfs have new genders that humans can’t have, we have examples of races born from Demi gods with animals just like Zeus with almost anything around…etc

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There we go. I was wondering how long before you outted this as another spam troll thread.

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Chromie + responsibilities = do not mix.

This isn’t even a gay thread Blizzard.

Not every dragon wants to be an elf… or a crocodile. And apparently, only the evil ones want to be human.

By far the most annoying npc.

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Oh dam, i was actually thinking to make a rant thread about Chromie, i guess i will just do it there then.

THIS character, is the most annoying, idiotic and useless character i ever saw, in vanilla she was ok, but since recently she became more dumb, more annoying and make me just want to quite.

Everytime she shows up since DF its always “ho look i am an idiot, i make dumb jokes about time and i just dont do anything but try to be cute but i am more cringe than anythng!!!”

Yes, she is just cringe, the character just say jokes that are cringe, she act cringe, and not only that, but she even go against the rules of her own flight, when you see her in the anniversarry event telling you like “ho but modifying timeline is fun!! ho dont tell it to Nozdormu” you just be like “wait what? are you for real going agaisnt the oroder of things just for fun?!!”

She is just annoying, but i mean, its like, kid show, its like if dora the exporer was in wow telling me “ho kid, do you see Nozdormu? Ho i dont find Nozdormu!!! lets find Nozdormu kids!!! lets gooo!”

Just get rid of this character already!!

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I’m not sure how I feel about them making her trans just because of an early lore goof up with her name. Don’t get me wrong I don’t have an issue with trans folk, I’m dating an MtF right now actually.

I feel like the line between representation and pandering is how much attention you draw to it. Like I love Varden Dawngrasp in Hearthstone being non-binary because they just let them be that without ever stopping to look at the camera and explain their gender identity to the audience. Meanwhile, they made an entire short story dedicated to explaining Chromie being a biologically male dragon choosing a female visage which feels forced because that’s probably never going to be relevant to anything she does.

Like maybe if Chromie being transgender was explained in a Q&A or some other meta context instead I’d have less issue with it. But by drawing in-universe attention to her being transgender it puts it in the forefront of my mind when she shows up now, when what should be on my mind is the fun time travel adventure she’s taking me on.

Or maybe it’s all just a me thing since I tend to find myself in discussions about gender politics due to dating a transgender person and therefore it’s on my mind more than it would be for others. I dunno.

All that aside she’s an adorable little bean and I love going on adventures with her.


The problem is mainly that :

1 - She was RETCONED to be that, and the problem is that, mostly it was to explain why their name dont end with “ormi” while this “mistake” was made because, back in vanilla they did not have a specific rule with dragons names, like for example none of the 4 dragons of nightmare actually follow the rules of the green dragons names.

2 - The short story wich was used for this was also poorly handled because, it was a LEGEND it was pout in a book that had legends into them, meaning they were not true stotries, and in DF they simply took that short story of that book pout it as a “df material” (even if it was not meant to be that) and called it a day. While it then makes this story a “real story” but the problem is ; dragons changed their visage forms many times in lore while the story tells you that they only have one, the story also feature onyxia giving advice to Chromie while…i mean, at that point in time black dragons were killed on sight!!!

And then people will say “ho but its awesome!!”

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Yeah those facts bothered me too but I just don’t feel like having that argument rn.
Also like I said earlier, I have a lot of mixed feelings about all of this that are hard to untangle.

Her voice alone is like nails down a chalkboard for me. It drives me insane.

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It was lazy pandering. No need to feel bad for acknowledging that fact. Honestly though, the nature of dragons being what they are, it really changes next to nothing about Chromie as a character other than giving her an optional question you can ask her in Dragonflight.


Worst part is, that before df her voice was fine, like in hots its still fine, but since df i dont know what happenned, her voice actres started to sound more “dumb”? i dont know.