Choosing a Covenant?

Venthyr are about cleansing a soul of sin; purification through pain. Uther and company follow the “defend the innocent” aspect but there’s no reason you can’t be more of the “purge the wicked” part.

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It’s going to vary, depending on class and character. I will join all of them. Intrigued the most with Venthyr though. I definitely see a bunch of allied race potential for Shadowlands! :smile:

Yeah - especially when there’s a lot of other games that don’t restrict a player ability to switch classes and roles as much as WoW.

Some of those games are either free and/or cheaper than wow too.

Would be a shame to see a system with such great potential be ruined for a good chunk of the players - especially, when like you, they’re the ones willing to play the healing and tanking roles.


You mean those free games that have you pay for all mogs, bag space, and # of times you can run dungeons?

Nope. But there’s probably some that do.

There’s so many that offer faster travel, less restrictions, and more qol features - it’s hard to keep track of them all.

Wow had a decent balance in legion to make their content worth it - but if the balance keeps shifting away from freedom and towards more time played and more costs, then people like me with limited time will naturally start to value all those other games.

Which is sad, because it’s such an easy issue to avoid all around. Giving people freedom to switch and play various roles without cost only adds so much good value to the game.

Don’t forget the value to blizzard for influencing token purchases for gold to cover the cost to switch.

Your points are just the tip of the iceberg for players that play in arenas as one role, dungeons in another, and raids in a third role.

Tanks get it the worst i think.

Dps classes can hedge and likely still be good across those scenarios - but if you go down a tanking path for say a guardian druid, that choice likely won’t jive well if they also want to pvp.

And we wonder why tanks are hard to find… maybe if they weren’t punished for taking on that role in pve, we’d have more people willing to take on that role.


Same. I even gave up on raiding entirely. Just do LFR to experience it.

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I’ll be waiting until more information as to how Covenants work to choose one. Depends on if these are new factions that incorporate Alliance fighting beside Horde in a new faction (now 4 instead of the two we have always played) and if new factions how the mail system will be impacted. I have always played in a “Self-sufficient manner” where I have at least one crafter maxed on a server so I can craft armor/weapons/gems/enchants/inscription/pets/mounts (yes it is as time consuming as it sounds). If these are new factions and we suddenly can’t mail to ourselves, I’ll have to stick with one covenant then play a few alts I don’t care about as much to see the remaining 3 storylines.

I am also confused how these different covenants will work within a guild. Will it force long-standing guilds to start breaking up into covenant specific guilds? If not, how can it truly be explained that in reality these “covenants” aren’t really as separate as they are supposed to sound.

Sorry if I am looking at it in a more complex nature than I should, but these are points I feel should be addressed and clarified in much more detail. Personally, I would be interested in seeing factions suddenly going from 2 to four just to bring a more hardcore life to World PvP. Instead of just Horde killing Alliance in World PvP, we would have 4 factions fighting for the fate of the Shadowlands.

Night Fae! I’ll probably choose that one mainly and then try out Venthyr

Kyrian for Paladin and Night Fae for Hunter.

Will there be a guarantee the dps/hps will not be nerfed if we choose the wrong convenant?

We need to be able to switch covenant for endgame…otherwise if i choosed the wrong one for M+/Raid or PVP or if Blizz nerf or buff a Covenant i will need to start from scratch with a brand new toon in order to optimize as best as possible: (this system seems far worst than Overpriced Azerith pieces rerolling)


You don’t need to reroll a new toon - you can purchase the ability to change covenants.

You just have to keep up with the gold cost by giving Blizzard more cash through token purchases.

None of them seem all that good for my BM theme
so prob what ever gives the best dps boost or whatever

I’m going to plant my Unholy Death Knight butt squarely in the angelic Kyrian Covenant :laughing:

Personally, I’m not sure which Covenant I would pick at this time. They all sound appealing to me.

Before I pick one, I would like to learn more information regarding each of them. Personally thinking I might choose a different one for each of my alts and my main I play on. :slight_smile:

all covenants give 1 allied race plz
vnthyr vampires
night fae fawn saytrs
necrolord lich ppl
kyrian allied race as well, would racial mimic their spirit healer job? BR that doesn’t count as the raidwide br CD racial but gives the spirit healer rez debuff as well to the raised character?

I love the diablo / castlevania look of Venthyr. And being a worgen, it looks like I’ll be right at home :slight_smile:

I’m torn between Night Fae and Necrolords.

Night Fae seem like they’ll have the closest connection to Bwonsamdi (as well as other loa)

but Necrolords will let me actually look more like Bwonsamdi as well as match him more personality wise.

Basically I want to hang with my favorite Loa though if the interaction/connection you have to him as a player being apart of the Night Fae is minimal i’ll probably go Necrolord.

So tough to decide

Warrior will likely be Kyrian, but alts will be different things.