<Chimera> 2/8NP 18+ years and counting! Looking for DPS

good afternoon everyone!

I played on Durotan in mop. I remember you guys. I was in Eleventh Hour. I’m looking forward to remix and tww. Got any room for someone who plans on leveling a bunch of toons in remix so he can decide what he wants to play in tww. I also have 3 or 4 boosts if need be for s4 although I haven’t played much in df and am extremely lost.

absolutely. always good to have more people around
 awesome that you remmeber us.

Also, Looking for a raid healer currently.

still here
 still recruiting displaced healers! come have some fun

we’re having some fun 
 still looking for more people to join us for the long haul

sorry no post in days
 been enjoying some remix lol

Good morning
 recrutiing for TWW
 (if you wanna play in S4 with us, thats fine too
 but our primary focus is bolstering our numbers for TWW
 ) Also considering absorbing other guilds that cannot field / have very litttle members that want more community.

Morning! aug 22nd LEGGOOO!!!

good morning everyone
 still here
 still collecting friends for TWW fun

good morning everyone!!!

Morning!! still recruiting for TWW lets goooo

Still here
 still recruiting for TWW!

good morning still looking for more friends!

Morning all!

good morning world!

Interested in returning players? I haven’t raided/M+ on WoW in a couple of expansions really. Just been pretty casual, looking to get back into it for TWW in though.
Not really sure what to main yet, but most likely WW Monk, Lock or Mage.

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We are, Casuals are also welcome

Chill group.

we are still looking to add to our ranks
 could use another healer
 come have some fun!

Good afternoon all
 and happy patch day! this is the first step to TWW release and I for one am excited for it! We are still looking for players
 primarily healers