<Chimera> 19+ years and counting Recruiting DPS! for Undermine

Currently i have 16 people signed up for it… im sure more will come at the last minute.

looking for a raid healer currently…

Good morning! still recruiting healers for TWW and season 4 content… as well as remix

great group bump.

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we’re having some fun … still looking for more people to join us for the long haul.

sorry no post in days… been enjoying some remix lol .

To the top with ye!

Good morning… recrutiing for TWW… (if you wanna play in S4 with us, thats fine too… but our primary focus is bolstering our numbers for TWW… ) Also considering absorbing other guilds that cannot field / have very litttle members that want more community…

morning aug 22nd LETS GOOO!!!

Kicking this to the top for my guildies.

I am returning to the game after moving around from MMO’s for the pass 6 months or so. I cant find that WoW experience that I get from WoW. So, I am coming home. I am starting fresh with a new xpan coming. So I am leveling a new toon and alt. A main Mage and alt Lock ( this can change, but it will be DPS. but might be convinced to tank, I tanked years ago with a pally in Cata, but thats along time ago). I am wanting to find a home guild for me and my wife (she doesnt play as much as I do. This is because she works 13 hours a day, 5 days a week, so she would just be in the guild). I am wanting to learn to Raid and Mythic+. I havent raided since Cata. So along ways to go. And, I have never been in a Mythic. I am willing to learn and in turn teach when I can and know. I am willing to help those I can. I am pretty chill/zen 50 year old player. I dont mind wipe after wipe to learn, as long as we are learning. I am not one that is rushing to be Worlds First, but I do want to get to the end at a reasonable pace. I am willing to earn my place, I dont expect to be handed anything. But, I do ask for patience and the willing to let me grow and become that great player and guildie.

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good morning friends! still here… still collecting friends for TWW!!

good morning!!

Bumping for great justice! And new friends!

Good morning! recruiting for TWW lets go!!!

Bumping this!

still looking for more for TWW

good morning and happy reset day!

morning to all!

good morning world…