Looking for a healer and 1-2 dps…
still here… still looking…
Still looking for a priest… (holy / disc / shadow)
And a DH (dps)
Other exceptional classes will be considered. .
Looking for a priest… And a Tank… An experienced tank that understands what it is to be a tank in a raiding guild… especially in mythic content.
Brewmaster… Guardian … DK…
Thank you!.
We are still in search of a competent raid tank… long longtime guild… just need to round out a few roles and we are off to the races!.
8/8 normal
7/8 heroic (some the team has AoTC)
Still need a tank Brm,DK,DH,or Guardian Pref
Also could use a priest as well has a havoc dh.
Always accepting exceptional players of any class.
Still looking for a tank and a healer…
Running tonight! 8pm EST…
To the top! looking for a pally / priest healer… potentially a monk…
Still a tank role open (maybe)
Real talk… all we need is a solid healer or two… and we’re off to the moon like Dogecoin!
Still looking for a healer…or two. To add to our roster before sunday
Good morning… still looking… raid tomorrow!!
still looking for 2 healers for our group to be rounded out.
8/8H even with the healing shortage…
Ello there! I put put a thread looking for a guild on the Stormrage server. I think I may be a good fit for Chimera…
good morning everyone… Still looking for a healer for our core group. 8/8H moving into Mythic… Literally the only problem we have is we’re missing a strong healer to add to the team.
good morning… still looking for a healer… we do run tonight! at 8pm EST
Still here… still grinding out healing roles! LEts get that mythic content together!
good morning everyone! we are still looking! just need to f ill these roles and we’re ready for the next level!.
Morning everyone! we run Tue /sun and plan on running this sunday! we’re looking for a healer and potentially a tank… (maybe)
good morning! our break ends on the 5th! we are still looking for a few quality members to add before the next tier.