Chill music playlist

It is Swedish :heart:

And highlight the video gave me option to quote still :thinking:

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:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Sorry to break the chain but, isn’t this kind of against the forums rules as its not really wow related? Is there a section better suited to this? I really appreciate this thread and i’d hate to see anyone get the banhammer for something like this.

the music that got me through college - sorry adderall not included

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Technically, yes.

Either the T3 lounge for people that have it or one of the OT forums; probably Movies, TV, and Entertainment.

Blizz tends to ignore these threads. Even if they decided to do something about it, they’d probably just move it. I don’t see anyone getting banned over it unless they post something excessively vulgar.

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Alright pharahnuff! I’m not trying to be a party pooper, just don’t wanna see people get slapped for something silly like this.