<Chemical Imbalance-A52 H> 6/12 M Fri/Sat 9pm-12a Eastern LFM

It’s raid night and AOTC Weekend!

AOTC and Mythic Wrathion killed! Come join us for some heroic and mythic fun times!

Mythic Skitra and Mythic Maut have met their end!

3/12 Mythic and recruitment needs updated. We are looking for: strong DPS, a healer, and potentially a tank

Bipity bopity bump

boop dee boop bump

Raid night - bump time.

recruitment needs updated! currently doing Raden>Carapace>Nzoth heroic on Fridays and then moving straight into Mythic after that :slight_smile:

HIGH need for a healer(hpally preferred) as well as DPS(those with healing OS highly encouraged), full on mages and DH’s.

BUMP :smiley:

Happy Monday! Stay safe essential workers.

It’s that bump of the week again

Happy Sunday Bumparooni!

It’s our raid night again. We’re going to see how going straight into mythic goes.

Bump up this post!

progression bump!

Back to the front page!

progression bump! 5/12!

Bumparooni for raid night

BUMP! Yay Raden prog :slight_smile: