Cheers to getting the glaives transmog

10+ wipes later on illidan, having to ninja someone else’s lock in, having to spam trade chat to recruit more soldiers, dealing with people “dc’ing” and “leaving” and explaning mechanics all over again, we finally did it boys.

TOP TOP IT ALL OFF. I got my mainhand drop today exactly during the week of TBC TW to complete the set!

I guess it was really meant to be. My life is complete. Thank you Blizzard for allowing us to get the achiev. You really did listen to us <3

Lots of history on those glaives. Long live Illidan Stormrage and his sexy glaives. Warcraft 3 gang

Got mine last night as well. Got the glaive drops in September of 2019 - last two times it was up I couldn’t get a group that new the fight to save my life. Got an awesome group last night and downed him after 3 tries…!! WOOT and congrats to everyone else who got theirs!

good day to be a DH :smiley:

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