Characters you'd like to see in 9.1

As in, characters’ stories you’d like to see expanded. For me, I’d love to see more of the Accuser. We abused her in Revendreth until the end and she still looks past it and becomes our ally. She believes in the innate goodness of her duty. I like her “tough love” personality.
Somewhat relatedly, we need to see Kael’Thas’ story continued. So far I like what they’ve done and I think there’s a lot of potential for his complicated personality and story.


its too late cause ptr but i hope next patch after the coming one doesnt have azeroth characters cause they are the most boring

Blizzard gave us Blood Elf prince back, and soon probably will give us Garrosh also.
So, Alliance also need some one from leaders to return. I hoping for Fandral Staghelm.


Apart from Garrosh and Fandral, who others have already named. I’d like to see Nathanos (even if only to beat him), Wrathion or Taelia (whichever Blizz plans to pair Anduin with) and Malygos (see him interact with Ysera and get his perspective on the whole “rampant power” situation).

I doubt I’ll see these folks in 9.1, but I’ll say who I’d personally like to see before we leave the Shadowlands behind for good.

I really want to see Rommath make an appearance and meet Kael’thas. He has a long personal history with Kael, going back at least to when they both lived in Dalaran. He was one of the elves who traveled with Kael’thas after the Scourge invasion, served as one of his closest advisors, spoke on Kael’s behalf in Silvermoon while Kael’thas was in Outland, and was loyally devoted to him right up until Kael’thas’ forces raided Silvermoon to seize M’uru for the Legion, at which point he was just as surprised by Kael’s actions as anyone else in Silvermoon. There’s also the detail that the room in Magister’s Terrace in which we finally killed Kael’thas is called the Grand Magister’s Asylum. I think there’s a lot of room there for some sort of emotional resolution between Kael’thas, who is working on acknowledging his sins and mistakes and learning from them, and this close confidant and friend who he, at some point, stopped talking to and ultimately betrayed along with the rest of their people.

My other hope is that we get more family stuff with the Mograines. At minimum I want to see Alexandros and Darion actually spend time with each other properly, with ideally some interaction between both of them and Sally Whitemane as well, but I would also love to see Renault and Elena show up at some point. After all, Darion did mention after we found Alexandros that he hadn’t really thought about how he might find the “souls”, plural, of his family somewhere in the Shadowlands due to being so focused on his mission. There is so much unresolved emotional stuff that could be explored with these characters, and I’d love to see even a little bit of it in game.

I’ll admit that I was hoping to see Nathanos turn up as a dungeon boss at some point specifically so I can farm him for loot as often as I please as a form of catharsis.


The Accuser is one of the new characters I actually like. I love her “no u” style of arguing.


DENATHRIUS, hehem, I mean DADDY ohgod, I mean- uhm. :cold_sweat: HEH.

But seriously folks, I love Theotar, and Nadjia, and basically anyone from Revendreth, the voice acting talent there is unparalleled. :kissing::ok_hand:


I would’ve liked to see Lirath Windrunner before encountering Sylvanas Windrunner again. I’m still worried they didn’t expand enough of Sylvanas’s story for these three expansions (Legion, BfA, Shadowlands) compared to Anduin.

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You just need to join the right covenant sweetie. She’s a regular feature at my Ember Court. :slight_smile:

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Well, there is this Kirin Tor raven in Oribos, so, that could end up being something peculiar.

Also, Odyn. When that one is involved, something is about to go badly. Not a pleasant character, but adds more action into the mix.

Don’t care much about the currently active roster in the Shadowlands, as Tyrande backtracks on her motivation to go there.
[actually, after thinking about it, Remornia might’ve been a fine companion]

Calia… that is a problematic character. The further away from the horde she stays, the better IMO.

Also, Old Gods. There is always a possibility of Old Gods doing something interesting. Sometimes that possibility goes like it did with N’Zoth, but I can hope that the dev team by accident won’t mess at least something, right?

gl hf


Azeroth and the Scourge.

since you know… Azeroth is a character titan now.

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I’m going to sound nuts but i’m not too sure how much she’s part of the horde now.

She “belongs to neither” faction so far, according to the pre-patch dialogue with Valeera. Also I remember that in Orgrimmar, while she was surrounded by the horde characters, her own portrait was marked as a neutral character.

But the devs at least toyed around the idea of her being around that path. As a at one point horde player I felt “how do you even consider a Menethil a big figure for the forsaken?”. And as mostly alliance currently “after all that is left of Lordaeron was given in the game to the horde, how did you even think placing even Calia there is a good idea?”

So, yeah. So far she is not, and I really hope the story will not try to go there.

gl hf


Too late for hope on 9.1, but as far anything after… Khadgar?

He has been seen flying around Oribos, so maybe he’ll actually reveal himself sometime? If not then I’ll take Alleria.

It’s likely inevitable but perhaps Alonsus Faol could be involved? He might be able to pull Calia’s story away from the horde and back to that neutral priesthood-- at least like Velen and Malfurion are part of the alliance but aren’t stories of the alliance.

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I love this response. I’m writing a fan-fiction about the time in Quel’Thalas during Outland and I’m trying to get as much lore detail as I can.

I’d trust his soul in the Accuser’s capable hands

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What I’d like to see, in sort of a big, dumb, action movie kind of way, is for Arthas to show up and deliver the killing blow to Sylvanas’ smug face. I can’t imagine anything that would torment her more than having him defeat her one last time.

The Accuser and General Draven are my favorite new Characters in Shadowlands, and they make the Venthyr worth being a part of. Any time they are around, I am glad. The more they are in the story, the better.

That is one I hadn’t thought of, but now I really want to see. I wonder if he found peace, or will be like a wrathful spirit. It could be sort of touching.

I almost liked your post - but I am not looking forward to Garrosh’s redemption, or Fandral being white washed.

That is another one that could really up the emotion as well as include an interesting perspective. Lirath and Malygos are two Characters I would love to see updates on, regarding their Afterlives.


Off the top of my head Plague Deviser Marileth comes to mind, along with Secutor Mevix, and Bonesmith Heirmir. As the Primus’s apprentice hopefully Heirmir see’s at least a cameo.


I would’ve like to see rhunas again

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