Character Sliders Confirmed [NO HEIGHT/WEIGHT CHANGING]

Just gonna join the dogpile here with going ‘er, Blood Elves are literal sticks’.

Er, citation needed friend. Maybe the Reds could get a skinnier look, though that’d represent a bit of an offshoot (and males would need tails!).

I would agree, not a fan of elves in general really. However I’d trade a blood elf for a void elf. Void Elves look cooler imo.

You can at the barber.

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This comment is important. I love the numbers in our current system, because you can quickly duplicate your appearance for an alt. I hope they keep some numbers or SOMETHING, to help players know EXACTLY what they are selecting.

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Go play FFXIV instead of making assumptions. Sliders are only obnoxious if they’re designed to be. In this case, its within reasonable bounds.

That caught my eye too. All races are there on one screen properly grouped under their respective factions. No distinction between CORE or ALLIED race to be seen.

No thanks FF races turn me off from playing it.

You sound like you need a Hrothgar in your life.

Meh, with those other races running around especially the rag doll races. Just not for me.

It look VERY similiar to the character creation screen on SWTOR.

Which is a shame.

I liked being able to see a range of styles and looks all at once though.

I agree with that. That’s what they really should’ve been.

Whatev, you’d be bigger and fuzzier than they are!

My point still stands. Don’t get me wrong, I love the new customization options. Still, getting excited over sliders is kinda just silly considering we aren’t getting anything that actually uses them. Right now, they do the same thing as the previous system.


WoW is where it’s at :wink:

Eh. The lack of it never bothered me. The ability to make slight changes in these features would be nice though.

The irony of you talking about man babies while throwing a tantrum about how other people might design their own characters is thick enough to cut with a knife.

The fact that you write like a toddler taking testosterone supplements just makes it better.


Lol you sound mad, I’m tired and I’m not gonna be perfect writing right now especially since I’m on a phone. Nice try though haha.