Character Sliders Confirmed [NO HEIGHT/WEIGHT CHANGING]

Ion told us straight out the game engine can’t handle weight/height sliders. R E L A X

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I am relaxed, I’m just giving my opinion. Is that bad? Lol

That word doesn’t exist in GD. It’s only panic, anxiety and chaos.


An’t an undead, can do what you described…lol

They aren’t even sliders lol.


That’s not true. We’ve also got a healthy dose if vitriol mixed in there too.


Your hatred blinds you lol.

WoD, Legion and BFA didn’t have these consistent blog posts and interviews, meaningful professions, the complete removal of WF/TF/any system to replace Corruption, and integral end-game testing so early on.

eh? blood elves?

Had my heart skip a beat. I thought it meant like legit sliders at first. Like altering height/weight/BWH etc. I know they said we would probably not be getting them, but there is always a small hope. I’m still pushing for an alternate form for every race. It’s just another option without sliders. This can still happen.

Unfortunately it’s just cleaning up the the character creation screen. It does look nice. I do enjoy it looking more clean. Only concern is the description of classes and racials. For new players.

And what hatred is that, I wonder…
Gnome, undead, goblin all shapes and sizes can use big weapons. And, your complaining for skinny human for doing the same…lol :rofl:


To be fair, I do believe this is in preparation to be able to slide between all of the new shades of options coming in Shadowlands.

That’s not a character customization slider though, that’s just a side scroll lol.

Dont confuse Size with height. youre not getting taller…youre getting bigger. youre not getting shorter, youre getting smaller.

and could you image what a pvp battler ground would look like…a band of kitten sized toons…thats what it would be.

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Imagine typing this out, hitting the post button, and actually being proud of yourself. Imagine.


Yes I hate gnomes. And true sliders would be horrible. I remember playing ESO when it came out seeing some doofus made his toon as skinny as possible worse than undead or anything in WoW. It looks bad and bugs me. I seen this in Star Wars too. Seeing that stuff makes me question playing some games. WoW hasn’t gotten there, which is good, it keeps it’s uniqueness It’s always had. :slight_smile:

I understand where you’re coming from, and I agree to a certain extent. We definitely shouldn’t be able to make Stormwind humans obese or insanely skinny, but I do think it’d be nice to have a choice for a slider to broaden your character or make them slightly less heftier than before.

EDIT: Especially since there are races that are naturally big. Kul Tirans have the option to be both, but a thin Panda would just be silly.

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Proud of myself, what of it? Are you trying to shame me or something? Good luck I got thick skin lol.

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For sure its not really height.

But size would still be nice… and it wouldnt need to offer more than a few degrees of size to be a nice option. That way you wouldnt have tiny or overly large… just variety.

Any time you use a shrink or enlargening effect you can see many degrees in between. Allowing a couple larger or smaller would not be game breaking.

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Well…that’s why i find allied race concept a missed opportunity.

Kul’tirans shouldn’t be separate rather should be customisation part of normal human race we have. Same goes for zandalari trolls, high mountain taurens, etc.

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