Character Not found

It’s been doing like this for 2 days. better give some compensate on this


Can I get a free tame of Arcturis since I was sitting in Grizzly Hills at the time of d/c?

A lot of people play this game as a social outlet - sometimes their only one, depending - and the world could stand to have a more acceptance and less nastiness aimed at the differently abled.


I logged on with my Computer and with a friends computer and still have the same problem, so it has nothing to do with Cache files or creating new characters (even though we are unable to do so)

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good luck compensate lmao

if we are asking for payouts i just want the red or blue scythe to drop from antorus…been after that forever =/

Sorry guys I was at work or I would’ve messaged you. I let Blizzard know, that they have to unplug the cable modem and router, wait 30 seconds, then plug it back in and that should fix the problem. No thanks necessary.


Deleting cache is a placebo. It worked for me for a bit but eventually got “A Character with that name already exists”. Different message but same problem not being able to log in.

Thanks for the update!

Thank you for your service

They won’t compensate anything they never do.

Just adding my account to the same issue of character not found over 5 different servers.
Had the same issue issue yesterday, went to play beta for a couple of hours and came back and was fine. Now same issue today.

They did it once in wod i beleive

It’s definitely a placebo, along the lines of disabling all addons/deleting WTF folder/etc. It may work but it isn’t an actual fix.

Thanks for the update.

I just want to put a shoutout to Vrakthris. You do not have an easy job, my friend. Having worked in customer-facing jobs for most of my adult life until recently… I know how difficult it is to manage complaints, concerns, and expectations while also trying to keep people relatively calm.

You have been present in the thread, responsive, and as helpful as you can be despite folks being straight-up rude.

If it were up to me you’d get an extra break, a free month of game time, and 500k gold for your efforts here. Alas, I do not make these decisions so all I can do is express my gratitude.

Thanks for everything you and your team are doing for us. Some of us do appreciate it.


Thank you for the information and staying engaged. Its a nice change from what I have been use to for many years. I still am not able to log in but your updates at least have let me know its still being worked on.


Same here. Played most of the day today on several characters without any issues, then after logging out for a while this evening I can’t get back on - all 14 of my characters have disappeared from my only realm (Anvilmar).

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Thank you so much for the speedy updates. :slight_smile: Sad to see people here just throwing hate around. I understand people are frustrated but goodness. Anyways, I appreciate you guys working hard on fixes and keeping the community updated. :slight_smile:


Also. I told them. Many times I told them but they never listen. I told them not to play with that Activision. Told them nothing but trouble will come of it. That Activision is trouble but do they listen to me. Nooooo.

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My head hurts, paying for a game I can’t play and the problem isn’t on my end.