Character Not found

Just adding my account to the list of character not found issues.

Mannoroth Alliance.

I was able to log in yesterday. Not tonight.


So, I did nothing of deleting and just got on my toon.

I am having the same issue as most people. None of my characters exist. I dropped a good amount of money to resub and I haven’t been able to play at all. :frowning: 3 days now… I know there is a lot going on for the team. Hope this gets fixed asap since I know I am not alone here.

That’s what the /s means my man its means sarcasm

lol welcome back

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Lies this guy is a 120 mage… he hasn’t logged in lol

yep 15.99 in canada

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I don’t think it can hurt, but that feels like a placebo.

Update: They are working on an update that should be going in shortly and we hope to see marked improvement within about 30 minute or so.

fingers crossed


Has anyone tried speaking to the trainer?

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probably bacause i cant lol

I have found closing bnet entirely and wow and waiting 1 to 2 minutes before trying to log back into a character yields a higher success rate. While testing with several others it solved the problem about 90% of the time compared to have to restart the game multiple times and relogging with a specific character in rapid succession. I’m still trying to as me and my friends play but I hope this method helps some of you folks out there

Thank you for being the messenger throughout all of this! We appreciate the work that you are doing!


I’ve lost all my characters too…

Come on guys, we are all frustrated, lets show some understanding and patience. Once things are resolved then we can talk about reparations. Peace, love and harmony.

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So why are some on and others not working? Shows a lot of servers full. Is that a lie or are that many people able to log on. This is annoying we should get free stuff for this lol

bullcrap is what this is >_<… ruined my vacation by moving launch and can’t even play on my off days coz game won’t let me… bad enough i had to suffer through bfa can’t even get it right at the end of it. WTF!?

what is the record number of posts in a thread?

Where’s my toons???

I love how the mods say “Fingers crossed lol” True faith in a 16 year old game with the same issues from Vanilla


Personally, I blame Sylvanas. She had to go and kill us all off…