Character Not found

Same can’t play. All characters gone…

I was just able to log in.

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I don’t understand how everything can be completely fine when this was released, and then you lose everything? And, I bet you are still going to do scheduled maintenance tomorrow morning. You are quick to take money, but wow you guys can’t get your stuff together… A lot of the complaints are coming from players over the entire course of WoW’s existence and all we get is, “we will let you know.” You should know by now how to get things running.


All my Characters are missing on all realms i play on . Is there a fix for this had my char since bc and wotlk.

this is only the tip of the iceberg i am sure the expansion will be much worse

Im havint the same issue as well was hoping to play a little before work now i cant even do that. This prepatch wassnt ready to come how… Yall acting like that Marvel Avengers game. And i stopped playing that completly

What did you do to log on Sphynx?

Having the same issue on bleeding hollow. Guys have patience, it’s a free to play game after all! /s

Followed the instructions and deleted both the cache folder and %programdata% and worked for me. Logged off characters and back on both servers I was on multiple toons.

stop being so emo cause your game stops for working for one night out of an entire year. alot snow flakes in this chat


Deleting the cache folder didn’t work =(
Still waiting a min or so for character population on Mal’Ganis and Kel’Thuzad. Hop on a toon and char not found. Multiple zones spread out from Vanilla to BFA.

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exactlyxD the relic of the past sh#t made me fr mad but i spent 150 hours faming for nothing i only get mad if massive amounts of time are wasted

deleting Cache did not work for me.


What fixed it for me is deleting the WTF folder.

I’m logged in on a character, delete cache

try about 20 nights of the year and you may have a change of heart

dont be a judgemental jackass. You dont know the lives of others.

lol free my butt we have to pay 12.99 for 6 mths or 14.99 per mth in the USA I think in Canada it more but dont hold me to that.

Having same issue as well.

Imagine, I just paid the sub price to come back to this after 2 years