Character Not found

I just came to whack the dead horse, and say, “Me too, and I am annoyed.” Reminds me of 2004, those were the days…


It’s pretty bad when you just give up and admit defeat of playing a game you pay money for. It’s been over 24 hours and STILL this is happening. Unreal.

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All of my toons are gone on all of my servers…

Just the pre patch bro. This is not the expansion. I am sure the team will fix it soon. Hold on.

Deleted Cache it didn’t work.


Same here lost all my characters. Haven’t been able to play. Veteran with PTSD bout to have a panic attack. Thanks Blizz…

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this post is like a comedy show man i dyin bro

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same thing here, no results.


also my servers arent even there

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Same. Can see my characters, though it makes me choose a server as if I had none, but when I try to log into any, I get “Character not found.” C’mon, Blizz; I get that it’s a big patch, but this is a bad customer experience.


Having the same issue as everyone else

same thing here on my end all my characters are gone cant even see any of them…

Oh no, the world is ending, I can’t log in. GIVE ME MY 20c back!!! And I preordered, bought the moon, built a new computer just for WoW, but I can’t play. Blizz is the worst. /s
That about sum it up? I’m dying too :smiley:


I was dced and went to log back in and is telling me same thing

Deleting the cache did not work for me

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Alright, after several attempts I’m in.


I am having this exact issue today, Oct. 14. My daughter who lives elsewhere in the same city as me was able to log in game on the same server I play on with zero issue. When I try to log on, it takes a lengthy amount of time to retrieve the realm list. When the realm list loads, I don’t see any indication that I have toons on my server (Blackhand), and when select Blackhand the character selection page is black for a significant amount of time but eventually my toon list appears. I select a toon and try to enter game and I can see the loading bar move to about 70% complete and then the error “Character Not Found” pops up.


you will get to see your characters after a black screen but when you try to log in your bars gets to 90% and then you will get back to your characters screen with the message Character not found


What did you do?
Close app ? or?

CTRL+ALT+DEL and restart those servers :rofl:

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