Character Not found

I got sent to the realm selection screen and was told to update my drivers. I updated drivers and tried again, and I couldn’t select any of the realms. I restarted my computer. I got the realm selection again, This time I was able to select my realm, but no characters. I restarted and WOW and got the level squish pop-up and my characters showed up. When I tried to select my character I get a loading screen, a long wait and then a notification saying “Character not found”. I tried again and the same thing happened.


Same problem on Azgalor and Bonechewer.

This same issue was happening yesterday. It was a mess to deal with. One way that worked was to disable addons, quit out of game, start back up and was good to go. Granted, didn’t always work. Just a suggestion. I logged off for 20 minutes and it happens again though, very annoying.

deleting the cache folder fixed mine.

I can replicate a crash every time I go to add a toy from my inventory to my toy sheet. If I click the toy, it freezes my toon (to all my friends). I can move around but can’t cast any spells etc. Replicated this multiple times now. This will force a crash and bam. Back into the abyss I go.

Same here all characters on all realms gone I was about to put in a ticket when I thought I would check the forums first…glad I did. Hopefully they get this fixed.

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No me still have the same issue

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Totally agree

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Deleting the cache did work for me yesterday, BUT, NOT TODAY! GL to everyone else, hopefully, this is in the maintenance window tomorrow…


As I was sitting here reading the posts, my characters showed up. I think it might be some delay in getting the info from the server with so much traffic? Won’t know for sure until it happens again.

EDIT: I take it back. It says “Character Not Found” when I try to enter the game.

I would try that myself but it will not let me even make a new toon or when I can it times out. grrr

Thanks! That worked

Tried deleting Cache folder, but problem persists.

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Please fix this, more and more are getting it. first no char and then they all pop up but are not found. what in the living hell did you guys do!

you make it sound like its covid lol

Deleted Cache and problem is still there for me… multiple servers no toons…sadnesss

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Adding to the list, I have toons on about 6 servers and none of them are showing up, primary server is Sargeras.

pre-ordered and getting the same shafting .

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2 hrs now ive been waiting

Affecting me and fiance on the 10~ realms I have characters on. Probably 40 characters impacted. ~